Chapter 16

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(y/n) POV

"Hey guys it's Raven and my anniversary today, and I haven't gotten her a gift...any ideas." I asked, everyone looked at each other, "Take her out for dinner, get her flowers, buy her a new necklace, and then pay for dinner." They all said, "Really?" I asked, "Yeah here, Ember's been trying to get me to go here with her for two months now. I already made you reservations and we'll watch Cinder." Scarlet said, "Thanks sis." I said.

"(y/n) what are we doing here and why do I have to wear this thing?" Raven asked as she walked over to me in her new dress.

"(y/n) what are we doing here and why do I have to wear this thing?" Raven asked as she walked over to me in her new dress

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 "First of all you look amazing." I said, "Stop last time you sweet talked me like that I got pregnant." She said, "Ok honey what's today?" I asked, "Tuesday." She said, "You forgot didn't you." I said, "Forgot what?" She asked, "IT'S OUR DAMN ANNIVERSARY!" I shouted, "Oh yeah." She said, "Oh well I'll just return this then." I said as I showed her the necklace. 


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"N...Now honey lets not do anything like that just yet!" She said as she took the necklace, "You know you don't deserve that right." I said as we waked into the restaurant, "I know, but I'm worth it." She said.

"Honey why are all these people staring at me?" Raven asked, "I have no idea, maybe it's because you're wearing shoes or a bra!" I said, "Hey you try wearing heels!" She said, "And the bra?" I said, "I thought this was going to be something very different." She said, "At least you're honest." I said.

We had a lovely dinner and went back to Beacon to continue our night. "Honey why are we in the courtyard?" Raven asked, "Cause I know you and you hated dinner and tonight in general aside from my gift, so I had a plan B hidden away." I said as I grabbed my guitar out from its hiding spot, "Don't you do it." She said, "I'ma do it honey, and you're gonna love it." I said.

"H...Honey I...I... I LOVE IT!" She cried, "I know." I said. 

"So how was the date?" Scarlet asked, "Good, I liked it, but Raven only liked a few things about it...mostly the fact that she didn't have to pay for anything." I said, "Typical." She said, "Well goodnight." She said as she went to bed. 

Birds of a Feather (Raven Branwen X Bullied Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora