Chapter 5

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(y/n) POV

"How did I get stuck babysitting Blair?!" I asked myself, "HEY!" Blair said, "Blair you have the attention span of a kindergartner if someone didn't watch you I am convinced that you would blow up the school." I said, "Oh yeah well I'm not the same ditsy girl you remember." She said confidently, "Yes you are." I said, " Yes I am!" She said confidently, "Wait... HEY!" She said. "Hey (y/n)!" Summer said as she ran over to us, "Who's this?" She asked, "Summer this is Blair Arc, she's my childhood friend." I said, "Hi Blair I'm Summer Rose, I love your ears." She said, "Blair what's wrong you're being really quiet." I said, "PRETTY!" Blair shouted as she pounced on Summer mercilessly nuzzling her. At some point Blair began purring, "(y...y/n) avenge me!" Summer said, "Ok Blair that's enough." I said as I pulled her off Summer.

Scarlet POV

"Qrow we shouldn't be doing this." I said as we walked along the roof, "What can't a guy hangout with his girlfriend alone on the roof?" Qrow asked, "You just called me your girlfriend." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "What am I in trouble now?" He asked sarcastically, "Oh you're in very big trouble." I said sarcastically as I kissed him. Neither one of us wanted to pull away, but eventually I broke the kiss, "You know Qrow I was wrong about you. At first I thought you were just like everyone else and only interested in my body, but you actually like me for me." I said, "Well you make it really easy." He said, "You know maybe just maybe not all Branwen's are bad." I said, "Yeah we'll surprise you like that sometimes." He said.

"(y/n) we need to talk." I said as I entered the dorm, "He's not here." Ember said, "Well where is he?" I asked, "Probably with Blair." She said, "Their with Summer Rose, leader of team STQR." Oliver said, "Last I checked they were sparing near the forest, Blair said something about settling the score." He said calmly. "Oh Oum." I said in terror.

(y/n) POV

"Blair do we really have to do this?" I asked, "Oh don't be a wimp, you beat Mary and her team on your own so I think you can handle one girl by yourself." Raven said, "You don't know her like I do. She LITERALLY gives a whole new meaning to split personalities!" I said, "He's not wrong." Blair said, "Prove it." Raven said, "No no no no no NO!!!" I said as Blair drew Chaos Rebellion and transformed into her dark form. "Oh (y/n)~" Blair sang,

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