Not Without You

202 10 1

Alone 1 


Tristen stared at his grey bedroom wall ahead of him. His bedroom were illuminated and dark giving off a depressing atmosphere. That was how he felt, depressed and dull. It felt like yesterday he heard her angelic yet sturdy voice rang through his ears like a broken record and it was heart wrenching to not hear it ever again. The accident that occurred last year kept replaying in Tristen's head like an overplayed movie and because of the vivid thoughts tampering with his mind, it was one of the main reasons he was diagnosed with depression and Insomnia.

It was hard to rest his drained light brown eyes when he witnessed the lost of the love his life, he couldn't. Just as he was going to lay back, his guardian, Ms. Vivian came in wondering what Tristen was doing. She often thought about his wellbeing and the way he copes with society after what happened. Seeing him down and depressed, she immediately put him into therapy but it was like he was still the same so Ms. Vivian often checked on him and spoke words of encouragement and show love because that's what he really needs.

Ms. Vivian, also an old close friend frowned at the time that reads 4:48 am then at Tristen who stared straight ahead with a frown seeming lost to it all, so she walked over to him and sat on his small bed and lightly touch his hand and gave off a small smile.

"Baby boy I know you're hurting and it's still kinda hard to cope but I just want you to know that they're in a better place and living well and I promise you, all will be well" Ms. Vivian said as she leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Tristen's head then head out lightly closing the door behind her.

Nothing registered into Tristen's head, that's how empty he felt. The more the 10 year old stayed in the house cooped up, the more it killed him so he got up contemplating on going for a walk. No, he didn't care what time it was, he needed to get out of the house. He threw on his oversized black coat and white Nike's then stuffed his pillow under his sheet forming a body like.

He snuck out of the house as Bronx cold breeze slapped his body which made him shiver a bit. He had no intentions on going anywhere specific so he slowly walked down the dark empty block trying to suppress his tears. He came across the same area where the big accident happened and it was flooded with balloons, candles, tributes and pictures of their beautiful faces. Tristen stared awhile before quickly turning his head feeling his heart grew heavy and his brown orbs stinging in desperation. He took a deep breath and continued walking until he saw an old rope hanging off of someone's wired fence and he gave it an intense stare like he'd never seen it before and fight his second voice until he came across it and took it down, he stared at it like a foreign object then a second thought came to mind. He sped back up the road not realizing how far he'd walk as so many thoughts ran through his head, he was so dizzy he felt like his eyeballs were spinning all over.

Once he made it back home, Tristen had to take a deep breath as he entered, Luckily Ms. Vivian had her door shut and fast asleep otherwise everything would've crashed. Tristen knew what he wanted to do so he swiftly grabbed a kitchen stool and stood on it to tie one end on the living room low chandelier as the other end hang loosely and his hands trembled as tears sprang free from his eyes as reality hit him on what he wanted to do but he had to get it done if he truly wanted to be happy. He took his time to tie the rope around his neck and tugged it to make sure it was secured. Contemplation hit him again as he silently sobbed, put his right foot ready to jump but stop right as the incident played in his head.


The 9 year old held on both parents hands in the middle, licking a strawberry ice cream as the three left the ice cream stand 4 blocks away from their home. They took their time to walk since it was a Sunday stroll they did every week.


Laura said as she looked down at her child, Tristen looked up at her beautiful face and smiled at the matching brown orbs they shared.

"Yes Ma'am?"

"What's going on in that little head of yours?"

"Nothing ma I'm fine and I love you forever and ever" Tristen said smiling sheepishly.

Carter looked down at his son and smiled at him. They shared the same brown skin complexion and facials except for the eye color.

"I love you to cheesecake but are you sure because knowing you, you tend to ask a lot so shoot"

Tristen thought about it before a thought came to mind. He'd always wanted to ask.

"Mom, dad, why do the white kids hate me?"

Laura looked at Tristen like she'd been caught off guard. The walking slowed down as she looked at her husband. She had not yet told him about the racism of today's society.

"Well th-"

Suddenly a man came running and shouting towards them followed by a screeching noise. Their necks snapped towards the screech that came closer and without thinking, Laura pushed Tristen as hard as she can that he went flying and rolling on the concrete grating his knees in the process and his ice cream squashed. He quickly got up to see what's going on but gasped at the sight before him. Everything happened so fast, he couldn't react. 

Looking at it made the blood leave his body as he suddenly felt cold as hell. There stood a silver Lexus jammed right into a brick wall along with Laura's lower body squashed between the car and wall and piece of flesh hung her upper body dangling near the floor. Crimson blood poured from her body like a broken pipe and his father whole body was jammed that only his head showed. The drivers head stuck out of the windshield with blood leaking from his neck and forehead. People came rushing to the scene, some crying while others look in disappointment and pity. Minutes later the EMT came as reality hit Tristen, he immediately sprung forward petrified as he pushed past the people. He looked at his dead parents then a sudden rush of overwhelm hit him.

"MOM, DAD!!" he screamed as that was the last time he'd ever see them.

*End Of Flashback*

Tristen looked around the living room then shut his eyes tight as he tasted the salt on his small lips. He was so drained, he felt like a walking dead and wanting to pass out already. No matter how hard he try to forget, he couldn't but he continued.

"Mom and Dad, I know this not the position you'd want me to be in and know you're disappointed in my actions but truth is no matter how much others try to supply me with love and attention it's nothing compared to yours, you guys thought me so much I need to know and the way you left and not to mention you left me of all people I can't do this without your guidance, I'll finish tell you everything when we meet again which is soon" he smiled at that "But if you're not here then I'm not moving on, not without you"

Tristen tightened the rope around his throat as he made his final decision, leaving all the hurt, depression, heart ache and most importantly the world behind him. He jumped immediately feeling suffocated and light headed. He dangled and kicked feeling his life leave his body then minutes later, he stopped moving. His skin started to loose its glow radiation as he took his last breath and his life flashed before his eyes.

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