Horseback Trail

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Peridot's POV

"Uhm Lapis, I'm not sure about this..."
"Come on, your almost there, you just gotta tell it to go, what's your horses name again?"
"It's Yo-yo." I responded. She chuckled a little as she looked to the light brown horse with little white specks on its nose. "Ok then you just gotta click and kick, just a little kick though Peri, not too much." I grabbed the reigns as I took a breath before making a clicking sound with my mouth as my boots gently tapped the animal. Yo-yo then started to walk forwards slowly, following Lapis' horse 'Coco'.
"Come on Peri, we gotta catch up with the others, they started walking to the trail already." Lapis said before guiding her horse to the trail as I followed slowly.
After we finally caught up with the group, me at the back, we started on the trail. A few minutes into the trail ride, I started to feel the hot sun against my sensitive skin. I should hav spit on sunscreen this morning, I can practically feel the burn coming on already. "It's pretty out here isn't it Peri?" Lapis called from in-front of me, looking back quickly. "Hah, yeah..." I said as I started to regret coming out here. I have never really been good with big animals like horses, usually I do something wrong or something happens, but right now my horse seems pretty chill with me. It's a bit bumpy though, my horse keeps tripping over all the little holes in the path even though I try and lead her out of that way.
"Hey Lapis? Is your horse this bumpy, I keep sliding in the saddle." I asked her as she turned around. "Uhm, just sit harder in the saddle and try not to fall out, your too lose when you sit." She said before turning around again. "Wow, thanks." I said sarcastically as I tried my best to sit deeper into the saddle, it only resulting in me pushing my core into the hard leather. I was ok for a little like this even though it was still bumpy. I felt pretty confident in my motion before there was another hole in the path, of course my horse tripped, causing he dip to bring my harder down in the saddle, rubbing my sensitive part hard against the leather through my clothing. I then felt happy about my new discovery about my bumpy horse and how it can be used as a good thing to me.
As my mind wandered into what I could do and if I would get caught what would happen. I haven't had a release in a long while, well for me at-least. I started to rock my hips along with the bumpy motions of my horse, gaining pleasure as I expected from before. Every so often there would be a bump of Little Rock in the path that my horse would trip on and I would let out a very quiet small whine for the extra friction given as it rubbed against my clothing. I started to feel my undergarments start to get a bit damp as I rocked forwards, I didn't care though I just kept going. I knew I was close anyways so what's the point to stop now, right? Wrong. As I kept going faster and deeper into the saddle, Lapis turned back to me I'm guessing just to see if I was still there. I was biting my bottom lip to cause from making loud sounds as I gained more pleasure.
She looked to me and smiled sinfully in my direction, as soon as I spotted her glance I stopped rocking, leaving myself on edge as I let go of my bottom lip. "Uh Hey Lapis, d-did something happen up there?" I asked stuttering a little. She just laughed a small bit before speaking. "No action up here, the only action that's here is what your doing, I can see you y'know." I laughed nervously as I felt my face heat. She turned around again as I slowly stopped my nervous laughter, leaving an awkward silence for a minute of two of the horse's steps. My body kept telling me I wanted more, so I gave in once I figured I was out of Lapis' view because we were going in a straight line on the path. I started to slowly rock again hard against the saddle, the horse's bouncy way of walking helping with my action. As I let myself hold onto my lip again I made sure Lapis didn't look back. I put one of my hands off the reigns, using one hand to guide, which I think was a western style of riding that's how Lapis rode. I used my hand to guide itself back into my jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping the area on my body that begged for attention. As I slid my hand under my jeans and undergarments, to the spot I wanted it to be, I didn't waste any time with teasing myself, for I was scared of someone looking back and catching me off guard. I wanted this fast and good. I immediately shoved my middle finger inside myself as I felt a shock flow through my body of pleasure. I made a very quiet and soft moan as I started to quickly curl my finger against myself quickly, back and forth inside of me it went, gathering all of my much needed escape. I started to move my hand up and down as well as the curling of my finger as I bounced to the horse's movement. After a minute or two I felt myself release, myself shaking a little before I brought my hand out of my pants, zipping it back up and buttoning my jeans. I did my best to try and clean off my hand as I brushed it against my shirt before I held the reigns once again.
The rest of the ride was pretty normal for a horse trail ride, a few times Lapis pointed out some animals like a turkey or a frog on the path. As soon as the ride ended and we returned the horse's to the barn I ran back to the changing room to get out of my now sticky and damp clothing that I had been in for around an hour, getting rid of the aroma it gave me.
Lazuli will not know of what happened here, well that is unless she does know already somehow...

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