Chapter 20

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~the next morning~
Y/n POV: I woke up to devyn shaking me ALOT and trying to wake me up whispering in my ear.
End of POV
Devyn:*whispers* y/n...
Y/n:mhm *groans*
Devyn stares in the direction of the doorway in her room. Looking worried.
Y/n:what is over there?
Y/n POV: as I looked I started getting tears in my eyes... it was Alex.
Y/n:*voice starts to crack* w-w-what is he doing here...
Devyn:he came in with out my permissi-
Alex: I don't need your permission...this is my gang I'm allowed to come in! *says angrily*
Devyn: well now look what you did...*looks at me, and sees me crying*
You flinched as he screamed cause you were terrified that he might do something...
Devyn:just go pleas-
Alex:please give us some privacy Devyn...
Devyn:*looks at me as I look at her in fear*
Devyn: I can't do that!
Devyn:*looks in fear that he might do sum to her if she doesn't leave*
Devyn:*puts her head down and than looks up at you*
Devyn:*mouthed "im sorry"
Gets up off the blow up mattress and walks out.
Alex:*comes towards the bed*
Alex:look I'm not gonna hurt you *puts his gun down*
Y/n: what happened...*still in fear*
Alex: I'm so sorry y/n... I wasn't trying to hurt you I just wanted to punch something from how mad I got. It happened to be you and I fucking regret that shit so much. If I could go back in time I would have just killed myself and not put you in that position... I'm truly sorry baby... I just... it hurt so much to hear you say shit that was...true, It was a mistake to be in your life... and I understand that I'm the last person you want to hear or see but before I go... I want you to be the last person I can touch, hear, see, or cry for...I love you. *starts to cry*
Alex:I see...
*starts walking away*
Alex:*looks back at you*
Y/n:*gets up* I'm sorry... you weren't a mistake I just... I got furious. Devyn told me, I understood why you told her that stuff... I can't live without you... it hurts to know that it has to be you I'm in love with... because I never want to hurt you. I love you so much Alex. Please don't hurt yourself. *crys*
Alex:*goes up to you and hugs you while crying*
Alex: I'm sorry baby...
Y/n: it's ok...
~back track~
Devyn:wait y/n... you never let me finish my sentence earlier.
Y/n: oh, I'm sorry... you can say it now.
Devyn: well I was gonna say: I love your man so much, but as a friend! He is a sweet guy and the reason why he said or you heard "ily bby" is because he was planning for something... it was supposed to be a special moment for you 2, but you heard and it basically ruined everything.
Y/n: but was he saying it to you?
Devyn: he was going over it with me so he doesn't mess up, he was nervous. He was gonna say a whole speech but sadly that got ruined by his jackass.
Y/n: oh my god *tears up a little*
Devyn: don't worry... if I heard someone say that to my boo I would have did the same shit and took it the wrong way. I'm sorry though, I'm basically the reason y'all are not good no more.
Y/n: it wasn't your fault dev... it was his.
Both of y'all hug
End of backtrack

Um okay🙏🏼🙏🏼
Comment suggestions
Also ilysm

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