Chubby Henrik x Chase Brody: Nightmare

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The warm welcoming morning glow from the sun shined through the squeaky-clean kitchen window where freshly baked cookies aroma smelled throughout the house. Chase stood in front of an oven smiling happily as he placed the fifth batch of 12 cookies on the high pile on the other cooling baked treats on the plate, Henrik sat on the pristine white counter his brown shoes barely scrapping the floor humming softly stuffing his 6 cookies past his lips. Sucking his chocolate covered fingers seductively the doctor's darker stormy blue eyes locked onto his boyfriend who his lighter blue eyes locked on Henrik's mouth his Adam apple bobbing and his tongue coming out to wet his suddenly dried lips, Chase's pupils dilated as his stubble covered cheeks covered in a deep red rue and his jeans felt tight showing off a very noticeable boner. The doctor saw how excited his boyfriend is and laughed causing the green hair male smirk evilly swaying his hips sexually his eyes narrowing observing the sexy doctor in front of him and swatted Henrik's hand when he tried to grab another cookie.

"Not Fair" Henrik pouted crossing his arms over his round basketball plump belly that rested over his sweatpants covered crotch. His red sweater with a white stripe going horizontally in the middle stretched tightly over his large dome abdomen and handfuls of his chunky love handles that spill over his sweatpants, two flabby moobs could be seen on top of his spare-tire and two chubby rosy cheeks pushed up the doctor's glasses.

"Just wanted some cookies" Henrik mumbled a smile trying to force its way on his playful frowning.

"Oh, I'm gonna give you all the cookies you ever wanted muffin" Chase stood in-between his boyfriend's legs pushing two cookies into the doctor's mouth who hungrily chewed.

"Sweet gorgeous sexy hunk muffin" the green hair male praised sweetly shoving another 2 cookies into the doctor's mouth. Closing his eyes Henrik continued to chew and swallow oncoming cookies that Chase send his way, chocolate smeared his swollen lips small cookie crumbs littered the German's beard the sweater rode up as Henrik's stomach protruded further out. As the feeling of being full increased the surrounding environment changed from happy and bright to a dark cold chilling air as the kitchen disappeared replaced by a vast endless hallway, feeling the cold air and no counter underneath his butt Henrik opened his eyes seeing the depressed silent lifeless hallway.

"Wha? What's going on? Chase!" Henrik panic his heart beating quickly. Moving forward the doctor's body felt strange and heavy like he was carrying 100 bricks on his back, a light reflecting off a mirror caught the ego's attention glancing at himself Henrik gasped in horror seeing his new larger self somehow. There stood in the mirror Henrik who was completely naked and his size to be describe close to a sumo wrestler his humongous flabby belly hung low covering his crotch and half of his lap, rolls upon rolls of fatty love handles spilled all over the side with a multitude of stretchmark's all over his body, his melon sized moobs sagged down on his stomach that could rival many women's breasts, beach ball sized ass cheeks that behind the doctor need two seats for the ego to sit down, chunky thighs the size of tree trunks spread out widely enough that to Henrik's dread that he no longer walk but waddle slowly and his massive chubby cheeks rounded out far enough that the German had a triple chin with a thick lush full beard.

"Help! Someone, anyone please help" Henrik begged his voice much deeper as he started to waddle further. Along the way through the creepy seemed to be abandoned hallway the ego could feel every fat flabby part of his body jiggle and sway with each step, some time passed and sweat started to roll down his body and low hushed voices started to pick up in the air as they all directed at Henrik.


"Fat fucker"

"Return to the ocean whale"

Tears brimming in his dark blue eyes the doctor was about to call it quits and collapse to the floor until he saw his handsome boyfriend standing 15 feet away. With a new-found energy and excitement Henrik shuffled as quickly as his body would allow but paused mid 6 step seeing a gun pressed against Chase's head in his boyfriend's hand.

"Chase, baby, what's going on?" Henrik asked shock and dread filling in his bones seeing a lifeless expression on Chase's face which scared the doctor.

"I can't do this anymore Henrik, you don't need me" the green hair male voice was monotone and flat holding no emotions.

"Gummy bear gi-ve me the gun" Henrik tried to sound strict but his voice cracked as his vision blurred with tears spilled over his round blotchy cheeks. The doctor looked puzzled seeing strings attached to his boyfriend's arms and hand, following them with his eyes he saw more strings attached on the ego's back all leading back into the dark hallway where a dark shadowy silhouette with two dark neon green eyes and a faint line across the neck.


"Take me instead Anti but leave Chase out of it" Henrik begged but received no answer. Before the doctor could do anything, the dad pulled the trigger and a loud piercing banging sound rang thoughout the room


Waking up with a startle Henrik sat up on his shared bed with Chase who also woke up looking worried at the German doctor with concern. Taking some deep breaths Henrik glanced below the duvet and thankfully he was back to being his normal chubby 235-pound body, wiping some sweat from his face the doctor lied down back on the bed with Chase's head on his chest one arm around the green hair ego shoulders.

"Just a nightmare" Henrik mumbled tiredly trying to ignore how fast his heart is beating.

"I love you Chase, don't leave me okay"

"I love you too" Chase didn't bother asking why Henrik asked him not to leave him but probably thinking it had something to do with the nightmare but for now he would cuddle up with his teddy bear boyfriend in the peacefulness of their shared bedroom.

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