4x06 - We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes

Start from the beginning

"What kind of consequence?"

"The hunters were spelled by witches to kill vampires; if you prevent one from fulfilling her destiny then she'll take you down with her" Colette reveals to her.

"What do you mean? Connie's dead"

"I mean, Connie's death won't prevent her from making Eliot her final vampire kill. He'll need to come with me now. I'll lock him up, keep him away from any sharp wooden objects" Colette tells her.

"He's not going anywhere with you" Stella denies.

"Well, if we leave him alone, he'll take his own life before the day is out"

Stella shakes her head, "He's stronger than that"

"Is he? Believe me, it's for his own good"

Eliot comes out of the bathroom. He looks in the mirror as he adjusts his sweater and sees Connie standing behind him. He gasps and turns around. Connie touches the blood on her neck and walks towards him, "Would you like some? You seemed to enjoy it when you drank from me"

"I wasn't myself. I was angry" Eliot tries to defend his actions.

"Were you yourself when you snapped my neck with your bare hands?"

"You staked me"

"Because you're a monster and you deserve to die. Admit it"

"No!", Eliot walks out of his room. Demi is still downstairs, cleaning up in the kitchen. Eliot enters the kitchen. "Damon....", Eliot looks at Demi, but he sees Connie instead. She stands up.

"Decomposition starts in the first twenty four hours. I'm rotting in an unmarked grave because of you"

"No!", Eliot backs away.

"What's wrong?" Demi asks him, worried. Eliot runs to the front door. Demi follows him, "Eliot!"

Colette and Stella are still outside. They hear the front door open and Eliot runs onto the porch and stops. Colette super speeds towards him, grabs him, and leaves. Demi walks out onto the porch and sees Stella standing in the middle of the yard by herself.

"Eliot!", Demi looks at Stella. Stella looks around, worried.


Benny, Stella, and Demi are in the kitchen together, "You lost him?"

"Well, "lost" is a very strong word, we just technically don't know where he is" Demi tells him.

"I'm more worried about what Colette said about this hunter's curse" Stella tells them.

"How does Colette even know about this?" Benny asks.

"How does Colette know anything? Girl's like a billion years old" Demi says, shrugging.

"She said it was a witch's curse", Stella looks at Benny.

"You know if I could do anything to help, I would. But I..."

Demi cuts him off, "But nothing, wave your magic wand, hocus pocus, begone hunter ghostus, whatever"

"The spirits won't let me do the magic I'd need to break the curse. But I can ask Shane for help, she knows everything about everything" Benny tells them.

"Great, you two do your thing" Stella tells him.

"Where are you going?" Demi asks Stella.

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