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*4 Years old*

           Kohana sat at the police station, along with some of the pro heroes, the pro heroes being, All Might, President Mic, Eraserhead and Midnight. The Pro heroes stood in a circle talking quiet among themselves, as the young girl sat non-moving, head hung, tears falling on her lap. The moment she watched her parents get torn apart flashing every time she closed her eyes. Aizawa Shota, her uncle, stood in the circle with the other pro heroes, he watched his niece as she sat there, crying silently. His heart ached he had lost his sister and his brother-in-law, all he had left was his niece. 

"Aizawa, are you okay?" Midnight asked in a soft voice. His tired, bloodshot eyes moved away from his niece to Midnight. 

"How can I be alright?" His voice cracking slightly, as he tried not to show any weakness, the emotionless man was on the brink of tears. "My sister is dead along with her husband, all I have left is my niece." A quiet sob came from the little girl after hearing her uncle's words. President Mic walked over and scooped up the small girl in his arms, her brown hair fluttering as he spun around to walk back to the group. Her sobs soon became harder and louder, everyone in the station stopped and hung their heads as they listen to the small girl cry. 

"Kohana." Midnight's voice tried to sooth the crying girl. Her hand rubbed her back lightly. Kohana instinctively latched on to Midnight in one swift movement, looking for comfort from a female. Aizawa watched silently as Midnight took her from Mic. She looked like his sister, but has the hair and eyes of his brother-in-law. He watched as Midnight eventually calmed her down, by rubbing her back and rocking back and forth while talking to her quietly. Her body trembled and shook as she calmed down and tried to make her breath even. 

"Alright guys." The chief of police came over to them. "Everything is all set here, thank you for staying over. You can take her home now, let her sleep, its going to take a while for her to get used to everything." 

"Thank you." Aizawa said. He moved his head to look over at Kohana, who has picked up her head to look at her uncle, her green eyes shined from tears, her cheeks and nose red, tears dried on her face. He moved to slowly took her from Midnight's arms. 

"Come on, let's go home." He said, as she put her face in the crook of his neck. President Mic accompany them home, helping them avoid the press and the news. 

          Later on that night, Yamada had left leaving Kohana and Aizawa alone. Kohana had eventually fell asleep on his lap, he looked at the small girl as she slowly started to stir, in the process of waking up. 

"Uncle Aizawa?" She asked quietly. 

"Yes?" His voice was quiet. 

"Why didn't I do anything when the villain attacked my parents?" Her voice was soft. He stared at her, not knowing what to say. "I could have done something right? I have my quirk, but yet I didn't do anything." Tears formed her eyes as she talked

"No, no. You had just gotten your quirk a few days ago. You don't know how to use it yet, this is not your fault. If we got there sooner, everything would have been alright. Do not blame yourself for something you didn't cause." Aizawa said rubbing her back as he talked. She put her head in his neck again, relaxing her body. 

"You won't leave me right?" She asked quietly. His movements froze, shocked by the question. 

"No, Kohana. I won't leave you." He said quietly. She fell asleep on him again, he sat there staring into space, lost in thought. He refused to leave her alone. He would do anything in his power to protect her as long as she is in his care. Even after.  


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