19| A Beautiful Mess

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Sean's POV

i kept my head turned after she slapped me, not wanting to see the hurt in her eyes. no amount of slaps could make up for what we put the girls through. for what i put her through. i knew she was on the verge of tears.

and honestly, so was i.

the burning sensation on my cheek was the least of my problems. "kaycee, it wasn't meant to hurt you. any of you. in the beginning, yes it was like that. we wanted to toy with you guys but that was before we began to enjoy you guys' company." i finally turned my head to see her glossy hazel orbs. "everything was real for us. there wasn't a moment--"

"how long?" she asked looking at her hand. she then looked at me in the eye waiting for my response. "how long has the bet been going on? what, weeks? 2? 3?"

i opened my mouth but nothing came out. i was scared to answer her. i didn't want her to hurt more. "answer me, sean!" she yelled getting in my face.

"kaycee, please." i beg trying to hold her hand. "i can easily ask gabe or any of you. really, i could, but unfortunately, i'm disgusted to be in the presence of all of you. so please, make it quick and just tell me so i can leave." she said blatantly.

"since the first day of school." i said putting my head down in shame.

"wow." she scoffed grabbing her bag. "well, i'm sorry you didn't get what you came for."

with that, she stormed out of the auditorium and into the parking lot. i sat down and put my head in my hands in shame. julian sat next to me sighing in misery. he had tears in his eyes, which was unlike him. he never cried unless it was something serious. i guess this went pass his limit.

we sat there in silence for an hour til the janitor told us to leave. we packed ourselves into julian's car. me in the passenger seat with josh b behind me, ken in the middle and josh p behind julian.

i felt for him and ken the most. once everyone left, tahani didn't even spare a look at him. she upped and left with bailey. ken won because of bailey but he lost her anyway. none of us knew where we were going. all we wanted to do was clear our heads and get them back.

Kaycee's POV

"bailey, we're here. you gotta wake up, sweetie." i said quietly. i softly nudged her to wake her up. her puffy eyes opened and looked into mine. i couldn't tell if they were red from sleep or crying but it was most likely the latter.

we made it to nat's house and decided we were gonna sleep there since she lived alone. we didn't want to go to mine because two certain assholes lived on the same street. the other girls had space but their parents would question us.

once we entered her house, we did our normal routine of taking turns showering in the two bathrooms then picking out movies to watch. they voted for me to be the first to shower since i had makeup on even though it was minimal.

after changing into leggings and a cropped weirdo hoodie, i went to the kitchen to pick out comfort foods. i spotted tortilla chips in the cabinet and took them out already having an idea. in her refrigerator, there was a rotisserie chicken that still had yet to be eaten. i took out other little ingredients and began to make nachos. microwavable ones, of course.

while they were in the microwave, i took out a big bowl for cookie dough. the doorbell rang, interrupting me in my zone. i opened the door to see jadyn and taylor holding bags. they welcomed themselves in and i followed them to the kitchen. "i'm so sorry this happened to you guys." taylor said hugging me.

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