04| Shut Up and Dance

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Kaycee's POV

i ran through the halls trying to find my best friends. i made twists and turns till I found them settled in the courtyard at a table.

"guys! i got in!" i squealed holding the list. nat got up and hugged me tightly. "aw kayc! i'm so happy for you!"

"yay! bronk is part of the dance squad now!" bailey said cheerfully. they all engulfed me into a hug in celebration.

it was my second day and i already felt like i was on cloud nine.

that was until friday came.

friday. the day of the week where you feel free. everyone's in a good mood because, you know, the weekend's here. but me, on the other hand, was dreading it.

"why did i agree to go to this party?!" i groaned, falling onto my bed.

nat and bailey were both at my place since they lived the closest to me. the mission right now? find kaycee rice an outfit to where. i hated dressing up. dreaded it. with a passion.

yet here i was with nat sifting through my closet to find an outfit and bailey trying out makeup looks for me. i was relaxing on my bed when receiving a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number
i can't wait to see you, beautiful😉

beautiful. there was only one person who called me that and they were named sean lew. without hesitation, i added the contact to my phone and left him on read.

"i think i found something!" nat announced. she came out with a royal blue long sleeve top in one hand and a leather black skirt in the other. bailey gasped excitedly. "it's perfect!"

nat threw me the outfit and pushed me into the bathroom while her and bailey touched up their mascara.

i put on the top and skirt and did a once-over in the full body mirror. i had to admit, i did look amazing. the blue made my skin glow due to the contrast and the black gave me an edgy look.

along with that, i wore black boots with a mini heel. for jewelry, i wore the silver necklace devon gave me and silver studs. i revealed myself to my friends and their jaws dropped.

"does it look okay?" i said, suddenly nervous at their silence.

"you look amazing, boo!" bailey squealed. "screw the makeup! you're already glowing!"

"let's get to the party. i'm excited to see people's faces when they see you." nat said. we rushed out of the house and drove to ken's house. tahani, jayden, taylor, and chloe were meeting us at the party.

once we entered the house, i felt the energy of the whole party. luckily, i didn't smell any liquor or see anyone grinding madly. it was like a normal get together, as of now.

"let's go look for the others." nat said, holding both bailey's and my hand tightly to avoid getting split up. we made our way into the kitchen, the room not being crowded as the rest of the place was.

"bails!" ken called out and waved us over. we walked over to him and saw the rest of our friends sitting around him. once we reached them, we let go of each other and greeted them.

bailey greeted ken with a tight hug and he greeted her back by kissing her on the cheek.

during the week, i got to know everyone better. especially, the relationships. bailey and ken were practically dating but didn't put a title on it. josh and nat were best friends that constantly flirted with each other. josh p and tahani have a relationship that i can't even describe. julian and chloe were complete lovebirds.

Serendipity|| A Seaycee StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant