05| Rumor Has It

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Sean's POV

i woke up to the loud alarm on my nightstand. i immediately dismissed it and jumped up out of bed. it was rare for me to wake up and be excited to go to school, especially on a monday morning.

i tried to find another reason to be excited for school besides the burning reason but there wasn't any. after taking a steamy shower and brushing my teeth, i felt completely refreshed. i went to my closet and threw on my lewser hoodie, black sweatpants, and nikes. i grabbed my bookbag and made my downstairs and into the kitchen.

"morning, mom!" i greeted kissing her on the cheek. she was having her morning cup of tea and was reading a book. "good morning, sweetie." she smiled and ruffled my hair in affection.

"you're up early." i said fixing myself a plate of the breakfast she already prepared, then sitting down next to her."i should be saying that to you. you're usually down here later than this." she scoffs playfully.

"i'm just..in a good mood." i said, putting food in my mouth. "just in a good mood?" she asked skeptically. i nodded while hiding my slight blush, thinking about the reason. she shrugs it off and continues reading.

after finishing my food, i hug my mom goodbye and begin the walk to school. as i'm texting julian, i spot a familiar figure walking across the street in the corner of my eye.

i fully turn my head to find that it's the one and only kaycee rice walking with her earbuds in. she was luminous as usual. she wore a white short sleeve top with crosses where the chest was along with light skinny jeans and white sneakers. the only thing different from what i'd seen before was her hair was straight instead of curly.

"kaycee!" i yelled cupping my mouth to make my voice louder. she stopped walking and looked around to find the voice who called her. her eyes landed on me and lit up in realization. she crossed the street with caution and walked to me.

"hey, shamu!" she greeted cheerfully. i gave her a confused look at the random nickname. "oh, at the party while you were drunk, you were slurring your words and called yourself shamu. i guess it just stuck." she explained as we continued the short walk to school.

"i like it, only if it's from you though." i chuckled nudging her shoulder lightly. she giggled nervously and blushed lightly. however, her smile quickly faded.

"are you okay, kaycee?" i asked, my voice thick with concern. she nodded giving me a smile, but it wasn't the same as the one that never fails to warm my heart. stop it, sean!

i stopped her in her tracks and stood in front of her. "you can talk to me, you know? about anything. i want you to feel like you can trust me." i said grabbing her hand and intertwining it with mine. i didn't know why or when this became a normal thing for us, but i liked it.

"i know, but seriously sean, it's nothing. let's just go." she huffed attempting to continue walking, but i pulled her back to me. "kaycee." i warned.

"sean." she said back.

"just tell me."

"sean, we're gonna be late." she whined. i tried my best not smile at how cute she was. "i don't care. kaycee, will you please just talk to me?" i plead looking into her eyes.

"fine." she sighed heavily. we continued our walk to school as she pushed herself to talk. "why are you such a player?"

my head snapped to look at her, caught off guard by her question. "where is this coming from?"

"i don't know." she sighed and ran her free hand through her hair. "i just thought about it that night at the party and it's kind of been bugging me...i don't know, you don't have to answer. it's none of my business and your lifestyle."

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