10| I Don't Understand You

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I just think this song fits the chapter so well. It doesn't have to do with the context but it kind of sets the mood for later.

Sean POV

i couldn't get the image of kaycee grinding on the floor out of my head. i wasn't even sure if it was that that had me all worked up. i couldn't tell if it was the way she spoke so seductively then was so innocent at other times. or if it was the way she looked at me all the time. or even her on a daily basis, the contagious smile that's engraved in her face everyday.

she was quickly becoming my favorite person to be around. we were beginning to get closer as friends and dance partners. it made it even harder for me to continue with the bet, but i had to keep my word.

i began to chop the tomatoes harder and faster in frustration and was interrupted when i heard the doorbell ring. "i got it!" serris called out.

i continued to chop the veggies i was gonna use for the dish and put them into a bowl. i heard the kitchen door swing open but didn't bother to look up since i was focused. "chef lew is already at work, i see." a familiar voice said. i turned to see josh p sitting at the counter, my other friends joining him.

shit. i forgot about our sleepover. "hey, guys." i said suddenly stressed. i turned my attention to the stove to distract myself. "sean, should we put our bags in the guest room or yours?" ken asked picking up his bag.

"guest room." i said. i froze as i remembered that kaycee was in the guest room. i quickly ran in their way, blocking them from the exit. "you know what, i'll take them. you guys rest. we've been dancing all day, get off your feet." i said innocently. they gave me a weird look then began to laugh.

"good one. just let us take them and you continue cooking." julian insisted. i internally panicked and tried to find a way to stall. however, my thought process was a bit too slow as the glowing girl waltzed into the kitchen.

uh oh. our heads snapped to the sound of the door swinging open. once they saw kaycee, their jaws dropped. i tried my best to not look at her exposed legs. her eyes landed on the guys and she instantly face palmed.

"oh so this is why you were trying to stall? you and ms. rice were doing some funny business." josh b said in realization, crossing his arms. kaycee immediately smiled at their assumption. what was that supposed to mean?!

"no, we couldn't. he couldn't exactly get it up." kaycee said lowering her voice on the last part, in mock whisper. "wha-" i was about to argue until julian pat me on the back in sympathy.

"it's okay, buddy. it's a normal thing for some men." josh p says in sympathy, patting me on the back as well. he quickly bursted into laughter at 'my condition.' kaycee giggled and sat at the island.

"he's fine, i was joking." she said recovering from her fit of laughter. while the guys put their bags in my room and went to watch tv in the living room, i continued cooking with kaycee watching.

i'd be lying if i said her gaze wasn't making me a little nervous. not hands shaking type of nervous, but made me a bit hesitant type of thing. her eyes followed my every move, hazel eyes watching me intently.

"so what can't you do?" she said abruptly. i looked over at her and almost dropped the spoon i was holding due to her beauty. i laughed at her question and continued stirring the pot. "i can't do everything."

"really? so what do you do besides dance? from what i can tell, you're an expert in the kitchen." she says remarkably. i chuckle, while preparing dessert. "i guess that would make sense after being chopped junior champion. it must come in handy." i froze from my actions and turned around to her, feeling slightly embarrassed.

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