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Suddenly Christmas was upon us like a vulture to a corpse. It wasn't Christmas exactly, I celebrated that with Lisa back on the 25th. This was Russian Christmas which was on the 7thof January. Everyone is frantically running around preparing everything for the evening meal as I help set up the table with Viktoria.

Tonight is Christmas eve, apparently, it was called 'sochelnik'. As I was placing some of these dishes on the table I couldn't help but let my mouth water at the smell of the beetroot soup, vegan potluck, vegetable pies. Don't get me wrong I was depressed to learn there would be no meat but Olena's cooking is good enough.

Finally sitting down after what seemed like an exhausting day helping prepare for my second Christmas tomorrow I struggle to keep my eyes open, regardless I manage. This is what Russian Vodka is for.

The dinner went on for a long time. Dimitri looked as though he was having a blast, as did everyone else. I laughed when everyone else did even though it felt a little forced. It wasn't as though Dimitri's family wasn't nice to me. They were the most wonderful, caring people to ever grace this planet. I just felt a little disconnection, especially Viktoria who was on my right. Even though we may have moved past that, I really don't think we have.


Just like that, Christmas was over three days ago. The joyous mood dampened as the realisation drew on everyone that they would have to wait a whole other year to the next Christmas. 

Sighing I rolled over, stretching over the entire surface of the bed, it was just me, sleeping in a sea of blankets. And that's why I opened my eyes because believe it or not Dimitri was already up, dressing in an efficient manner, training gear. 

"Hey, comrade, you know the suns not even up yet," I comment as I prop myself up on my elbows. 

"Exactly," He states, "we need to train, we can't slack off during holidays and now is a perfect time. Also, we haven't had much of a chance to be alone together."

"So we won't draw attention to us?"

"We are in a town with humans, we have to be discrete, besides we have to make the most of the daylight. "

"Of course we do." I murmur as I slowly peel myself from the bed as I slither up to Dimitri.

I run my hands through his silky hair as he rests his hands on my back. Slowly and carefully I lean in as our lips collide in a deep passionate kiss. Moments seem to blur to hours as we both gently peel away.

 "There are other ways to spend time with each other," I smirk.

"Gods Roza you make it impossible to do anything." He sighs with a laugh while my grin goes ear to ear.

As I grab a fresh pair of clothes fit for a work out I say, "Race to the woods, the entrance via the town fountain." 

"You're not even dressed yet." He remarks as I work on lacing my boots up.

"I am nearly done."

"Hope you can keep up."

"Challange accepted."

Our grins were nothing short of lethal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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