No Place Like Home

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At this point, everyone was holding their breath. Not a sound could be heard. Until Olena burst into tears and cried out Dimitri's name while embracing him in a big bear hug. It wasn't long before Dimitri's sisters, Viktoria, Karolina, Sonya, joined the hug with crying laughs. They quickly greeted me and we all entered inside. I sat down on one of the armchairs as everyone was around Dimitri and Yeva, Dimitri's crazy grandma, appeared and embraced Dimitri with the first and only tears I think I will ever see. Paul and Zoya were inside and soon greeting Dimitri. We all just sat there smiling as Olena came back as though she never left with a hot plate full of Russian food I cannot name. 

"What happened? How is this possible?" Sonya asked breaking the silence. 

"My friend used spirt to charm a silver stake and then staked Dimitri," I announced not really wanting to share anything else as I look at everyone.

As Dimitri tells everyone about what happened and answered all their questions about the past few years I sit back and just watch. Happy for them but just feeling something. I don't know but my thoughts quickly vanish as Viktoria comes over.

"Hey, Rose." she blurted.

"Hey." I return unsure but before I can say anything else she embraces me in a huge hug and apologies.

I say I am sorry too as I embrace the warmth of our hug. It quickly ended as Olena announces the whole community is coming to welcome Dimitri. I sat there wondering how big it will be considering what they did for his funeral. As Olena and Dimitri's sisters head into the kitchen followed by the rest of us as Dimitri effortlessly helps as though he has been in the same routine his entire life. I just help put for whatever jobs they give to as well as answering all the questions as when did Dimitri and I meet. I also finally talked to Yeva and that went okay... ish. 


The night went on until it was morning and I was barely standing. I tried Russian vodka again and lasted a bit better than before but it still left me with a God-awful headache. As the sun was climbing higher I roll over to see Dimitri, as efficient as ever, already awake and alert reading a western novel. Probably from the missing space in the small shelf he owns stuffed full of western novels. I groan at the time as I am still exhausted as Dimitri bends over and kiss me.

"Morning." he crowned as I gently rise up.

"How are you already awake?" I ask trying to make myself awake as he chuckles.

"Christmas is two days away and there is work to be done. My mother asked me to help out and we leave in thirty minutes." He said as I remembered Christmas was on the 7th for Russia. 

"Well sorry to inform you comrade she asked you and not me so I can just enjoy my sleep like a regular person," I reply while also adding "Where are we going?"

"We're going down to the shops, then I don't really know."

"Sounds like a plan." I mused as I reached for some pants,


After a couple of hours at the shops and getting supplies and preparing for Christmas. The days flew past till it was eventually Christmas.

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