Chapter One

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"From the age of five we're taught that love is a disease, something we're not to be associated with. Our government has taken it upon themselves to go through the trouble of scanning a barcode onto us when we are born and on your eighteenth birthday servicemen come to your house and scan it and then give you a watch that countdowns the years, months, weeks, minutes, and seconds until you meet them." Mrs. Ptak said to the class of seventeen year olds.

"Questions?" She asked. I raised my head up from my desk and scanned the room, waiting for someone to ask the question someone every year asks.

"Why?" A boy who sat in the front corner asked, he was new so it was understandable why he didnt know, still I sighed and put my head down, I've heard this asked so many times I could recite the answer in my sleep.

"Because, without it we'd become extinct. Some people choose to never marry and with this they have to, it's for our population." The boy looked around the classroom, with an uneasy look on his face. It is a twisted way to look at love, to think that my parents didn't love eachother but instead were just put together like two puzzle pieces to fit into the plan the government has created. But sometimes in life, you've just gotta go with it.

Audrey caught my eye and raised her eyebrows and I just shrugged sitting up. I began to put up my belongings I had out.

"You won't believe what I heard,"

"What?" I said briefly glancing at her

"The new boy, isn't so new." she lowered her voice and leaned in closer to me.

"What?" I asked turning to her. She pushed up her big frames with her pointer finger and adjusted the white headband she had pushing back her dark red naturally curly hair. "How do you know?"

"It pays to be an office aide Violet."

"You didn't go through his file did you?" she smirked and reached for my binder and reached into her bag and slipped a packet in it and handed it to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled sticking it into my messenger bag, trying to push away the guilt I had from the fact that I was breaking all the rules.

"You're such a goody two shoes." she rolled her eyes.

I didn't reply but instead just stood and adjusted my black skirt and straightened my white blouse. I glanced at the clock on the wall, a minute till the bell. Then off to the bus station for that hour long ride to my house with Audrey gossiping about her previous classes and me interjecting when I can. The new boy was standing near the door, looking down at the floor. He ran a hand through his black messy hair. It stood out against the other boys blonde cut clean hair. He looked up and starred at me. His eyes an emerald green, sparkled when he smiled at me and turned as the bell rang.



Hope you guys like the new chapter one, I fixed a few things. Hope it makes a lot more sense then it did before.

If you like it, don't forget to add to your reading list, vote, and comment some feedback. Feedback is greatly appreciated!(:

-Jess c:

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