II - panic

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She can hear herself blink and it grows ever greater,
Can't breathe right, throat's too tight and jaw's clenched together.
Her shoulders ache and spasm and seize
But the pressure can't squeeze
The tears out so she chokes on emotion but she can't find the cause
While the her inside tries to find the door
To get out of her body and let life pause.
She's pounding the walls
But they simply absorb
Any effort she makes to leave her mind
As erupting thoughts chase from behind
One inch closer to engulfing her body and taking her down,
But that would be too relieving so they loom ever nearer,
Hover on top,
Threatening and never going to stop
Until so exhausted from trying to get out
She trembles and drops with a sigh to the ground
Taken by the abyss 'til she regains some strength
To fight this battle over and over again.

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