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Time to cry 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Warning: Angst and Death. Also the end is based off the song)

Michaels pov:

Jeremy and I have just started dating a month ago. I was so happy. I loved him, he loved me. We were happy. Until I found out I had cancer. I got really sad, depressed even. But I didn't tell Jeremy. I thought it would be to much too soon.
"You ready to go to the arcade?" Jeremy asked me excitedly. I put on a fake grin knowing I won't be able to jump around as much.
"Hell yeah!" I smile at Jeremy. He smiles back at me. We head into the arcade hand in hand.
"So what should we do first?" Jeremy asked me.
"Hmmmm, Let's go play Pacman!" I say excitedly. We smile then run off to play Pacman.

-time skip to after the arcade-

"Dude that was so much fun!" Jeremy says to me.
"Yea it was Jer!" I smile softly. I'm so out of breath tho.
"I'm getting hot can I get some water?" I ask sitting down at the curb.
"Yeah of course! Are you feeling okay?" Jeremy asked me.
"I'm fine just...I-" I feel like everything is spinning. Next thing I know everyone goes black.

Jeremy's POV:

Omg. Omg. Omg. I take out my phone and dial 911.
"Hello. My friend is passed out on the curb and I dont know what happened.....ok ..... Um I'm at the arcade....ok...thank you..... bye." I hang up and try to stay calm. I hold Michael close and I hold in my tears. I see the lights and hear the sirens of an ambulance. When they arrive two people open the back of the ambulance and two other people grabbed Michael and put him on a bed inside of the ambulance. I get in as they ask me questions on the way to the hospital. 
"What's his name?" They asked.
"Michael. Michael Mell." I responded.
"He his 19 and I don't know if he had anything wrong with him." I tell the doctors. They nod as they gather a few more Information. 

-in the hospital-

"Well he seems fine right now, but did Michael tell you...he has cancer?" The doctor asked.
I froze as I shake my head. "N-no he didn't"  I tremble.
"Well he does. You need to make sure he stays healthy ok?" The doctor told me. I nod.
"I- I will" I say walking into Michaels room. I see Michael was up.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask sitting next to him.
"I was afraid it was too much to soon" I hear him mumble.
"You scared me! Don't... Keep secrets from me. Plz." I say holding back tears. Michael places a hand on my cheek.
"I won't, I promise" he said as he kissed me. I kissed him back. A few moments later I pull away.
"God, I love you" I smile happily. He smiles back.
"I love you most" he smiles back.

-a few days later-

Michaels pov:

I lost practically all my hair. I hate it tho. I usually cover it up with my hood. Jeremy says it's hot but again...I hate it. Yes I was out of the hospital. The doctors said I should be fine. As long as I come in for monthly check ups and chemo I should be healthy. Jeremy and I were cuddling on my couch. He was cuddled on top of me as I laid down on the couch.
"Remember when you first asked me to be your Boyfriend?" Jeremy asked me.
"You were such a nervous wreck" he chuckled. I chuckled too.
"Yeah, I was, wasn't I?" I say.
He boops my nose as I blush lightly. Jeremy kisses me softly and I kiss back. I wrap my arms around him as he continued to kiss me. I pull away for air then kiss him again. (I'm not adding a lemon in a sad story. Lemons are for a different time).

-time skip to later-

"That was... amazing" I say as Jeremy cuddles close to me. We had the blankets pulled over us. Bc well we were naked. Jeremy nods in agreement.
"That was my first time" I say to him. Jeremy looks at me.
"Same." We both had a good long pause of silence.
"Have you ever thought about us having kids?" Jeremy asked me.
"Yeah! Our kids will look adorable. We will name one Jeremy Jr. Because he will look as cute as his father" I say then laugh. Jeremy blushed.
"We will name one Michael Jr because he will look hot like his father. Boy, I can't wait to see that day" Jeremy tells me.
"Me too Jeremy, Me too."

-a year later-

Today is the I will propose to Jeremy! I can't wait! I have it all figured out! I'll take him where we used to have our favorite Ice cream! Then we will go to a movie. I will end it off by taking Jeremy to the beach and asking him to marry me! It will be so much fun! To make it better, ITS HIS BIRTHDAY!
"Morning birthday boy!" I say walking into the bedroom holding a cake for Jeremy. Jeremy is a light sleeper so he will wake up to the slightest noise.
"Thank you Michael." He says rubbing his eyes and sitting up. I hand him the cake.
"Did you make this?" He asked me. I nod.
"Your favorite! Strawberry cake!" I say using Jazz hands. Jeremy giggles.
"Thank you" he smiles as I give him a quick kiss.
"You can have your cake later! I have places to take you for your birthday!" I tell him. He smiles and sets the cake aside and gets up.
"Meet me in the car!" I say going outside to the car. I wait for Jeremy to get ready.

Jeremy pov:

It's my birthday. I don't really like celebrating my birthday that much. It makes me feel greedy. I only accept it because it's Michael. Michael always does something big for my birthday and i've just learned to accept it. I get up and get dressed and comb out my hair. I take one last look at myself and smile then head out to the car. I get in Michaels PT cruiser.
"So where first?" I ask.
"Well, we are going to go get Ice cream where we used to go as kids!" Michael says to me. I smile, I used to love that place.
Michael starts the car as we head to the ice cream shop.

-i really wanna finish soooo, time skip to after the ice cream shop-

"That was not how I remembered it tasting" I say.
"No wonder only kids like that ice cream" Michael says to me.
"I'm sorry Jer, I thought it be better" he tells me.
"It's ok," I smile at him.
"Where next?" I ask.
"Well, we are going to see a movie, not just any movie..we are seeing... The fault in our Stars!" He smiles.
"Dude...that's a sad movie tho" I say.
"But that's okay because afterwards I have something special for you. But I'm not telling you cause its a surprise." He smiles at me and gives me a kiss. I kiss back then pull away after a few moments.
"You're such weirdo" I say.
"But I'm your weirdo" he replied.
"Yeah, yeah." I giggle as we walk down to the theater that was across the street practically. We enter the theater and Michael pays for our tickets. We get our popcorn and slushies then head to our spots. We take a seat and watch all the previews.

-Later into the movie- (Spoiler)

This is the part of Gus's funeral. I was crying. Tears rolled down my face as I look to Michael. He looks like he's sleeping until he falls to the floor. I freak out and start to cry more. I place my ear to his chest, he's not breathing. Fuck. I call 911 and everyone looks at me in shock. The ambulance came in and took Michael. He was doing fine... I- I don't understand. I cry as I head to the hospital with Michael.

-at the hospital-

"I'm sorry Jeremy... dying. We have tried everything but he has gotten really sick. With his cancer, it makes things worse. We're really sorry." The doctor walks away as I cry and cry. I walk Into Michael's room.
I place a hand on Michael's.
"H.....hey.. Jer" he says softly. I hold in tears.
"Hey babe" I give a smile.
" something for you" he says. I give a small smile.
"You do?" I ask.
"Jeremy, I've always loved you. You're my favowite pewson, Jer," he takes out a ring as I put my hands over my mouth.
"Happy birthday Jeremy," He says as his hand falls down and I hear beeping. He....he died. On my birthday. I hug him as the beeping echos the room and I hold the ring tightly.
"Yes"I whisper barely and cry...and cry... wishing this was just a dream and everything would be ok...but it wasn't. Happy

(OML IM CRYING 😭😭😭! I hope you guys liked it. Omg...plz help me. I'm so evil but I hope u liked it. Don't be sad bc of me go be happy now. Hope y'all have a good day now, byyeeee

Edited LaurenTheAceWolf


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