The promise

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Hey! The beginning will take place when Michael and Jeremy are around 10 and dating. That's it! Enjoy!!

"Don't leave Michael!" Jeremy cried.
"I'm sorry. I have to. My parents are making me leave." Michael said through tears.
"Will...will you still love me?" Jeremy looked down as tears rolled down his face.
"Of course! I will never forget you." Michael said as he lifted Jeremy's head then held Jeremy's hands.
"Michael it's time to go!" Michaels mom called from the car. Michael looked back "hold on mom! I'll be right there!" Michael yelled then faced Jeremy.
"Can you promise me something?" Michael asked Jeremy. Jeremy nods.
"Always remember me. Next time we see each other, we will catch up and talk. Im moving to far away for us to hang out, and my parents won't let me have a phone so we can't talk anymore. Anyway, promise me, you will always love me?" Michaels tears ran down his face. Jeremy froze then hugged Michael tightly.
"I will always love you." Jeremy looked at Michael and gave him a kiss on the lips. Michael kissed him back. Then a few seconds later Michael pulled away.
"I should really get going. My mom is waiting."
Jeremy nods and gives Michael one last hug before letting go. Michael waves and runs to the car in tears. Jeremy walks inside and runs upstairs to his room and cries.

8 years later:

Jeremy was hanging out with his friends Rich, Christine, Jake, And some other hot girls. Jeremy's Squip was on and telling him to flirt with all the girls. The bell rang for class and Jeremy took Brooke behind the school to make out with her.
"Mhm" Brooke made a soft moan.
"I must be doing a good job" Jeremy thought.
You are, keep it up.
Is what the Squip told Jeremy.
After a full class period, Brooke was pretty satisfied with what they just did. They finished and waited for the bell to ring to go to their next class. After the bell rang the two got up and went there separate ways.

The next day Michael moved to his new house. "I get to move back and see Jeremy!" Michael exclaimed
"Don't get to excited Michael. What if he doesn't remember you?" Michaels mom said.
"Trust me, he will." Michael jumped and grabbed his backpack and went out the door.
When Michael arrived at school he had his head phones on. He was listening to Marley, like always. He tried to stay low, but look for Jeremy at the same time. The bell rang and Michael went to his next class.
"Hello class, this is our new student, Micheal Mell. Please show him respect, thank you. Want to tell us about yourself Michael?" The teacher said.
Michael froze as he looked for Jeremy. Boom. There he was. Right in the middle. After class would be the perfect time to catch up. "Uh, Hi, I'm Michael. I like video games, rainbows, uhhh, I listen to Marley. That's it." Michael put his hands in his pockets and took a seat.
"Thank you, Michael." The teacher said then went to go start class.

Jeremy looked at Michael. "I feel like I know him from somewhere..." He thought.
Turns out, he used to be your old boyfriend when you were ten. But you don't need him. Act like you dont know him. Your to cool for him.
The Squip told Jeremy. Jeremy looked down then nodded. After class Michael went up to Jeremy.
"Hey! You may or may not remember me, but I'm Micheal! We used to be boyfriend's! Remember, you made a promise" Michael smiled. Jeremy rose an eyebrow.
"Uhm, wrong person. Your thinking of someone else not me," Jeremy chuckled "Now get out of my way, loser" Jeremy shouldered Michael then left the room and went to go talk to Rich.

Michael stood there shocked. He tried not to cry. He put his head phones on, put his hood up and went to his next class. "That's definitely Jeremy. B-but how could he not remember. He promised." Michael thought. Michael just zoned out for the rest of his classes.

Meanwhile, Jeremy was feeling terrible. He shouldn't of said that. He should've turned off the Squip and said hi. God, he such an idiot. After school Jeremy drove home and saw that someone was moving in next door. Not just someone, Michael! Jeremy sighed and turned off his Squip. He went over and knocked on the door.
"He-Oh Hi Jeremy!" Michaels mom smiles and waves.
"Hi Mrs. Mell, is uh Michael home?" Jeremy asked.
"No but he should be home anytime now! Come in and have a seat!" Michaels mom and Jeremy walked in and sat down. Not to long after, Michael arrived.

"Uh" Michael said as he saw Jeremy on the couch. Jeremy stood up and faced Michael.
"Look, Michael, It's Jeremy!" Michael's mom smiles. Michael looked at Jeremy then his mom, then back at Jeremy then ran outside in tears. Jeremy ran after Michael.
"MICHAEL WAIT!" Jeremy yelled.
Michael kept running until he tripped over himself and just curled himself up and cried. Jeremy stopped and hugged Michael. Michael pushed Jeremy away.
"I thought you didn't remember me. I thought I was a loser to you." Michael cried.
Jeremy looked down at Michael. "I did remember you. I've never forgotten. I've kept the promise. I love you." Jeremy had felt tears going down his cheeks. Michael looked up at Jeremy and hugged him. Michael kissed Jeremy. Jeremy kissed back. A minute later the two pulled away. "Can we restart?" Michael asked. Jeremy smiles and nods
"of course"
"Ok! Stay here. Dont move" Michael giggles and so does Jeremy. Michael runs down a little ways down and then runs up to Jeremy again.
"Hey, do you remember me? I'm Michael! Your old boyfriend!" Michael waves and smiles.
"I do remember you! Wanna play some videogames and catch up?" Jeremy asks.
"Hell yeah! I got apocalypse of the damned!" Michael exclaimed.
"What level did we leave off on?" Jeremy asked.
"Level 9," Michael started.
"The cafetorium!" They both exclaimed then laughed. And so, hand in hand, the two went to go catch up and play apocalypse of the damned. Jeremy being player 1 and Michael being player 2.

That was da story. I wrote this in an hour and I had it in my head and I didn't want to lose it. So I wrote. Hope you like it! Have a great day/night!

Edited by LaurenTheAceWolf


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