PAX ( pt 4 )

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     I yawned and stretched ( and tried to come to life lololol ) and murmured a ' good morning ' and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for myself and the boys. I tapped Mason's head, which was laying on the counter and asked him what he wanted for breakfast. " I dont know.., what can you make? " I smirked and looked around the kitchen to find some ingrediants. I made a MEAN omelette, I found the ingredients and started the eggs. I started getting the veggies ready and some of the spices, I left the egg on low heat and walked around the house, waking up all the boys to get ready for breakfast.

      I walked into Toby's room and smacked some pans together screaming, " WAKE UP, ITS TIME FOR FOOD, " as loud as I could without hurting my throat. I giggled when he popped up with deadly tired eyes and drool dripping from his mouth. Without saying a word more, I walked throughout the rest of the boys' rooms and did the same thing. I walked back downstairs with a proud look on my face, they all walked downstairs behind me and sat in various places around the living room and kitchen. 

     Cameron walked up to the stove and stared into the frying egg and looked at me, patting his bare stomach with a funny look on his face. " I know, I know you're hungry, It'll be done later. And get a shirt on you ape, " I said, laughing slightly at the end. He pouted and mumbled an aggreement, walking out of the kitchen and getting a shirt like you asked.

\\ Time skip brought by our favorite neighborhood Raccoon //

     I turned the stove off and brought the pan onto the counter, pulling out the cutting board I had found. I put the eggs off to the side, smacking someones hand that had tried to grab some of the food. I smiled and put a bunch of different veggies onto the cutting board and cut them up with skill, sprinkling them onto the egg, along with salt, pepper, and different spices. I smiled and put out enough plates for everyone and scooped parts of the omelette onto a plate and also grabbing some cups and filling them with orange juice.

      I smiled at my beautiful creation and grabbed a plate, moving out of the kitchen so I wasn't trampled when the boys got their food. " Foods done and ready! Come and get it while it's hot, " I yelled evenly through out the house. I scurried to the living room and sat down on an armchair, starting to eat my food. I heard the boys getting their plates and drinks and making their way around the house to get comfy and eat. I giggled and continued to work on my food, sipping my orange juice while doing so. 

     " Jesus Dakota, this is amazing! Thank you for cooking, " I heard someone say, I looked and saw Toby looking at me with wide eyes. I rolled my own blue-green eyes and felt heat rush to my cheeks at the compliment. " Thanks Toby, " I smiled brightly, trying to hide my bright blush. " Aww she's blushing, "I heard my brother say, I glared at him but my blush only grew. I gave a laugh and tried to drown out my blush with the orange juice that had been balacing in between my legs.

     " Screw off, " I smiled and flicked them off, finishing my food and bringing it to the sink and washing the dish, leaving it in the drying rack. I finished my orange juice and washed it as well, leaving it in the rack. One by one the boys finished their food and left their dishes in the sink, which earned a glare from me, and went their seperate ways. I huffed, feeling bored and decided to go swimming. I walked up the stairs quickly, not wanting to wait to swim.

      I rammed into Toby's room and breathed heavily, looking for my suitcase. I spotted it and ran to it, grabbing my simple high waisted bikini out, also running into Toby's bathroom ignoring his questions. I hurridly put the suit on and grabbed a sheer red floral shawl, wrapping it over my shoulders and putting my arms through the super loose sleeves. I skipped bare foot out of Tboy's bathroom and finally aswered his question of ' what the hell was I doing '. " Im goin' swimmin' , do you wanna join, " I asnwered his question with a question and smirked, running down the stairs not bothering with the boys.

      I whipped the shawl off my shoulders and leaped into the pool, the cold sending a shock through me, giving my arms and legs goosebumps. I rammed through the surface of the water and gulped up a little bit of water and air. I moved my hair out of my face and turned my body so I was floating on my back, my hair in the water and a big smile on my face. I heard the door slam open and felt water splashed harshly onto my face.

      I laughed out loud and wiped my eyes, looking at Mason with bright eyes. I swam quickly over to him and splashed him directly into the face. He gave me a pout and laughed splashing me back. He gave me his ' retard ' face and tried to swim after me, I screamed and swam away still laughing. I heard more splashing and smiled, floating on my back again, listening to the boys laughing and splashing. " Hey, " I heard a smooth deep voice say from behind me and I peeked open my eyes, looking at Ezra through my eyelashes.

      " Hi, " I said, still giggly from earlier and smirked at him, he looked confsued until I swam quick around him and climbed onto his shoulders. " CHICKEN FIGHT, " I yowled, pointing forward and yelling out a small, ' onward! ' afterwards. Ezra laughed loudly and walked forward, his arms on my knees and a broad smile on his face. I put my arms out to Mason, who was on Eric's shoulders and attempted to push him off, my body feeling weak from laughing so much. He gave a rough push to my shouldlers and I teetered slightly, falling into the water Ezra following since I had locked my legs around his shoulders. I gasped a big breath and landed into the water with a small splash, I floated off Ezra's shoulders and propelled myself up to the surface, breathing heavily.

      I laughed and helped Ezra up, my amrs around his shoulders now, my left cheek to his right cheek, " Take a picture, " I said loudly, smiling big and poking Ezra's other cheek to have him smile too. He smiled big and wrapped an arm around my waist, my hips feeling warm from the action. My heart beat quicker than before and I bit my tongue slightly to hold back a blush. The sound of a camera 'click 'ing made me giggle and pull away. I gave a gulp of air and dove underwater, swimming over to Cameron to annoy him. 

The rest of the day consisted of us messing around in the pool and eating BBQ after the day got dark and the pool got super cold. We finished our food and sat outside till early light just talking and laughing into the night.

" Today was a very good day. "


WHEW. THAT WAS A FUN CHAPTER TO WRITE. I'm sincerely sorry for not posting anything at all. I've been busy with basketball and my mental health, but now that ervything in my life seems to be leveled out Im going to try my hardest to continue to get chapters out! As of right now, I am working on Lost Time  , which I haven't told you guys a lot aboiut, it's basically a fanfic about Tal Fishman and the rest of the free time gang. It is mostly chapters of their specific videos except the OC that I've made for that specifically is added (ew my spelling). That book will not be published for a while. But as I had put in an announcement, I am starting a Jurassic World fanfic! But i can't decide whether to do Zack, Owen, or the new guy Franklin from the newest 'World' movie. I would appreciate it if yall could help me decide! AnyWHO. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! More are on the way! They might be delayed bc I have quite a few basketball tournaments and practices I have to go to :/ AnYwAys...,

~~~ YOTE

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