PAX ( pt. 3.5 )

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// RECAP: I tapped Ezra and motioned for him to come closer, and put my hands into his hair. He hummed and lied on my stomach and allowed me to mess with his hair. I twirled my fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp slightly, he groaned at the feeling and pushed his head into my hands. Cam sat comfortably on the couch and put on Mulan first, smiling at me and Ezra. I looked up and caught his eye, he winked at me and smirked, motioning with his eyes to look down. I looked down and watched Ezra's face while I messed with his hair. " He's.. cute?? "


Ezra's eyes were closed and his mouth was open slightly, his face looked comfortable and content. I smiled with my teeth and looked at the screen while still running my fingers through his hair. Ezra's breathing evened out and I looked down to see his whole body relaxed, and noticed he had fallen asleep. I smiled a small smile and munched on some M&M's. I curled my fingers and ran my hand through his hair with care, Ezra moaned quietly and laid his head on my stomach, moving upwards and wrapping his arms around my waist. My eyes went wide and a big bright blush settled on my face, I did that again and he hummed like he was in complete bliss. I smiled and looked at the screen and realised that Mulan was over, I nudged Cam with my foot but he looked like he was asleep so I just ( carefully ) reached over Ezra and got the remote, putting on the Lion King. Halfway through, I realised that my eyes were drooping and I had fallen asleep on the arm of the couch, my hands still in Ezra's hair.

// Time Skip to morninnng \\

I groggily opened my eyes and yawned, stopping when I felt something on my waist. I looked down with narrowed eyes and hummed when I saw Ezra with his arms around my waist and his head on my stomach. I tapped him and he only snuggled into my body more, I groaned and tried to stretch my back, tappin him again. He sat up this time and looked directly at my sleepy face, I gave him a weak smile and closed my eyes again, feeling incredibly sleepy. What I didn't realise though, was Ezra's eyes widen and his cheeks go pink when he realised how he had been laying, he carefully crawled off me and quickly walked away, trying not to let me see his cheeks.

" Good Morning, everyone. "

( A/N : Sorry for the short chapter!! )

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