PAX (pt. 3)

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We made it to Chick-Fil-A and I ordered 2, 8 piece chicken nuggets and got a medium sprite to eat and drink. Mason stole a waffle fry from me and I slapped his hand and scowled at him, he only laughed and ate it with an accomplished look on his face. I huffed and ate some of my chicken, dipping it in some polynesian sauce and pushing it in my mouth with a quiet groan. Cameron, Ezra and Toby all looked at me with raised eyebrows and confused looks on their faces. " What? Its good, " I smirked at their faces and swallowed the chicken in my mouth. I hummed and pulled out my phone to scroll through some edits of me and the boys, seeing a lot of me and Ezra and some of me and Mason, and some of just the boys or just me. I liked quite a few of them and saved some as well.

I finished off my first carton of chicken and took the other one back to the Manor along with my drink and the left overs of my fries. We all climbed into our designated cars and sat wherever there was an open seat. Cam and Toby sat up front, Mason and Ezra sat to my sides. I pulled my bag off my shoulder and sat it in my lap. I took out my earbuds and phone and put on my main playlist. I layed my head on Ezra's shoulder and closed my eyes to sleep the way back to the Manor. Ezra looked down at me ( me not knowing, ) with wide eyes and softly smiled, laying his own head on top of mine. My eyes looked up at Ezra and I pulled out my right earbud and handed it to Ezra, motioning to him to listen to the music with me. He gripped it in his fingers and put it in his ear, shifting to get comfy. I hummed and closed my eyes again to sleep.

// Time skip brought by fancy mustaches, back to the manor \\

= 3rd person POV =

Cam looked back to tell everyone that they were back and smirked at the view before him, Ezra had his arm loose around Dakota's waist and had his head resting on her's, who had her own head on his shoulder. His smirk grew as he pulled out his phone to take a lot of pictures of the two of them. " Guys look, " he whispered and pointed to them. Toby and Mason looked at them and either smirked or giggled. " Mace, wake them up, " Toby said, opening his door and getting out, pulling out his house key and unlocked the door. Mason giggled and shook Dakota, waking her up. She leaned up and rubbed her pretty green eyes, narrowing them and tapping Ezra on his shoulder. He hummed and stretched slightly, pulling out the earbud in his ear.

The two shuffled out of the car, stretching and groaning at the pops that had come from some of their joints. Dakota thought to how they had been sleeping and felt her cheeks heat up drastically, she turned around and looked into the window of the car to see how red her cheeks were and huffed when she saw they were very pink. She walked towards the door, just behind Ezra and attempted to drown out the pink in her cheeks by drinking her sprite. She realized she wasn't going to get rid of it that easily and just walked inside of the beautiful house. She listened closly and smiled a big smile, she heard the loud whimpers and excited barks along with claws coming closer to where she stood, Dakota bent down and welcomed the slobbery licks and excited wagging tails.

= 1st person POV =

I smiled and scruffed up Major's neck fur, and scratched Diablo's underbelly. I smiled at them and went to the back of the house to let the dogs out. I went to my bag and pulled out some doggy bags, I watched the dogs and cleaned up their business before trashing it. I walked back into the house with the dogs trailing behind me and closed and locked the door. I went up to Toby's room, which was where all my stuff was, and changed into a white bralette and some black "PINK" shorts. I walked out of the room and pulled on a random jacket, me and the dogs walked downstairs and sat on the couch wathcing whatever was on the TV. " We should have a Disney marathon, " I said, getting up to make some popcorn and grab snacks. There was a murmur of agreement and nodded with narrowed eyebrowns. They're all on their phones, can't be having that to watch some movies. I allowed the popcorn to pop in the microwave and grabbed a small bucket, walking into the living room with a smug look on my face. I held the bucket out in front of Mason and Swagger who had been sitting on a couch, motioning them to put their phones in the bucket, they sighed but did anyway.

I had all the phones in the bucket and put them in the kitchen, grabbing the few bags of popcorn and snacks into the living room. I smiled and set everything on the coffee table in the middle and sat on the couch with Ezra, Toby, and Cam. I tapped Ezra and motioned for him to come closer, and put my hands into his hair. He hummed and lied on my stomach and allowed me to mess with his hair. I twirled my fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp slightly, he groaned at the feeling and pushed his head into my hands. Cam sat comfortably on the couch and put on Mulan first, smiling at me and Ezra. I looked up and caught his eye, he winked at me and smirked, motioning with his eyes to look down. I looked down and watched Ezra's face while I messed with his hair.

" He's.. cute?? "

Swagger's Sister?? - RaccoonEggs [discontinued.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz