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“I still don’t get it,” Perrie mumbles as she places her chin on her fist, furrowing her eyebrows as she tries to understand how her sister Louise could possibly think this was a good idea.

“But it’s so simple Perrie,” Louise basically shouts in exasperation since she’s been trying to explain this simple concept for thirty minutes now, “she and I are basically the two most popular girls in the grade. Doesn’t it make sense for us to date?”

“Not really,” Perrie states as she stares off, obviously still very confused by the subject, “aren’t there guys in our grade that are technically more popular than you? Why don’t you date one of them? It would definitely boost your popularity.”

“I’ve already tried explaining this to you!” Louise jumps up from her bed and stomps over to Perrie, grabbing her twin sister’s shoulders and shaking Perrie slightly. Once Perrie finally snaps out of her contemplative state and meets her sister’s gaze, Louise continues.

“She and I decided to do this to gain the most attention possible! We want to do something people will talk about and remember! Sure, I could just date a guy and have some people make remarks about it from time to time, but this will be so much better! Every single time I kiss her in the hallway, people will start to talk. Every time I grab her by the waist, people will start saying things. If I take her to parties with me, everyone will make comments about how we’re the cutest ones there. Basically anything her and I do together will have people talking about us. How can you not see it Perrie? This plan is amazing!”

“But you don’t have any feelings for her whatsoever,” Perrie muses as she once again averts her gaze to her lap. Perrie, for the most part, loves her sister to death, but she often finds herself hating this side of Louise, the side that was practically obsessed with popularity. Perrie had watched this side consume Louise at points, and whenever it did, Perrie wanted nothing to do with her sister.

“So? It’s not like Jade’s hopelessly in love with me and I’m using her. She’s the one who proposed this arrangement in the first place,” Louise counters, releasing her grip on Perrie’s shoulders once she realizes that Perrie isn’t intending on looking up again anytime soon.

“Aren’t you gonna feel miserable though? Being with someone you don’t even feel anything for? Do you and Jade even get along in general? I thought you two were sort of rivals.”

“One question at a time Pezzhead,” Louise says while laughing slightly and ruffling her sister’s hair as if she’s an elder imparting wisdom, “all I’m hoping for is that maybe during this arrangement of sorts, I start to feel something for Jade. If I don’t, then yes, I may be miserable at times. She’s sort of a pretentious bitch and she’s always trying to outdo me, which always manages to get on my nerves.”

“I’m sorry, but the more you explain all of this to me, the less I’m willing to support it. I just know that you and Jade are going to be at each other’s throats whenever you guys spend time together to ‘uphold your image’.”

“Who knows,” Louise begins as she plugs in her curling wand so that she can start to get ready for her “first date” tonight with Jade, “Thirlwall seems kinda feisty. It could be hot, fighting with her and stuff.”

“So not only are you using her for popularity, you’re also gonna use her for sex,” Perrie says in a flat tone, getting out of her bed and making her way to the bedroom door.

“Well when you put it like that, you make me sound like a terrible person,” Louise remarks as she starts to work on her hair.

“I don’t have to word it a certain way to make it sound like that, Lou. What you’re doing is wrong and I disagree with it completely, regardless of what Jade wants as well.”

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