An Ocean Apart

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I woke up with hair in my face and a warm body pressed against mine. I inhaled deeply and smelled vanilla and apples, a scent I had learned to love, because it belonged to Jade. Jade and I had been in love for a long time. It’s been about three years now, and they’ve been the best three years of my life. We met in high school, in geometry class. Now we had both graduated, and it seemed like our first very true obstacle was upon us: University. Jade was staying here to earn her art degree, but I had been offered a very prestigious scholarship across the Atlantic in America. The instant I told Jade, she was so thrilled and ecstatic for me, because that’s what a perfect girlfriend would do. But I know deep down, she’s just as upset about this as I am.

Today is the day I am to board the plane to America and leave my Jadey behind. The both of us had been dreading this day for a very long time now, and we had sort of been pushing it to the back of our minds. Yesterday was so wonderful though because Jade made me a fantastic dinner and then we cuddled while we watched movies. Even though she didn’t do anything elaborate for me, it was just the perfect way to spend time together before I had to leave.

I glanced at the clock and realized it was still early. I decided to fall back asleep and spend as much time cuddled up with Jade that I could before we had to get up. I pulled her closer towards me and buried my face in her neck, slowly falling back asleep.


I was woken up with soft lips pressed against mine. I instantly kissed back, because I would always know that those lips were Jade’s. When she realized I was kissing back, she smiled into the kiss and slowly lowered her body down onto mine. Kissing her would never get old; I just never got tired of it. I was so in love with her, and that definitely showed in our kisses. I grabbed her hips lightly and traced my tongue over her bottom lip. She giggled and kept her mouth shut tightly, and I was confused why she would do that.

I squeezed her bum cheekily hoping she would gasp and open her mouth, but she seemed to be expecting it. She pulled away, giving me one last peck on the lips before saying, “Nope sorry, I’m not having an intense make out session with you when you have morning breath, that’s just gross.” I frowned, and tried to act upset by pushing her off of me gently.

“Well, if you’re going to treat me like that Miss Edwards, then I don’t see the point in making you breakfast,” Jade said cheekily, knowing that my second greatest weakness after her was food. I instantly straightened up, and wrapped by arms around her waist, preventing her from leaving.

“I take it back, I take it back! I didn’t mean to push you, I’m just tired. You know I love you.” The desperation was basically shining in my eyes and laced throughout my voice. Jade had me to the point where I honestly couldn’t be any more whipped; she had me right around her pretty little finger, but I didn’t mind because she never took advantage of it.

“I love you too, you silly sleepyhead,” Jade said while giggling. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before taking my hands off of her waist. “Now seriously though, I’m hungry and I want food, let’s go!” She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen.


I was standing there at the airport with Jade, and this was so much harder than I had expected it to be. I think we were both too scared to actually say goodbye to eachother, so we were just standing there. Before I knew it, I was getting lost in her beautiful eyes and I’m pretty sure the same had happened to her. Then I noticed the tears spilling down her cheeks, and seeing that instantly made me want to cry.

Suddenly she pulled me in her arms and gave me a bone-crushing hug.  I felt tears spill out of my eyes and I hugged her back with just as much force. When we pulled apart, I grabbed her cheeks and pushed my lips onto hers. The kiss was very bittersweet, and I made sure to savor every second of it, because I knew I would have to wait a very long time for another one. When I pulled away, I rested by forehead on hers, and looked at her eyes, which were still closed.

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