Only You Make Me This Way

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Jade was pretty sure she couldn't make it any more obvious that she was upset. She was literally sitting by herself on the beach just staring down at the sand with an unamused expression on her face.

All four members of Little Mix were there, as well as a lot of their team and Ally from Fifth Harmony. Ally was the only one that ever really tagged along from the other girl group, which sort of made sense because she was the only one that was the same age as the Little Mix girls.

Jade really hadn't had a problem with Ally up until today. She honestly had thought that Ally was really cool. But now, a jealous fire was raging in the pit of Jade's stomach, and it was taking every ounce of her effort not to get up and scream.

While Jade was sat wallowing around in her negative emotions, some of the other people that were on this little beach adventure were having fun frolicking in the water. Two of these frolicking people were the source of Jade's anger and jealousy.

As one could have guessed, Ally was one of the people. The other was Jade's bandmate Perrie.

Bandmate really didn't even scratch the surface though if Jade were to describe Perrie. To pretty much everyone, Jade and Perrie were just bandmates and best friends, but that wasn't the whole story.

Jade did consider Perrie her best friend. She had considered Perrie her best friend for a while before anything shifted between the two. Things changed back when Jade and Perrie had shared a flat.

One day, Jade had stumbled into the bathroom still half asleep. She had only woken up five minutes ago but the need to take a wee was very persistent, so that's why she found herself in the bathroom. She hadn't even realized that Perrie was already in there.

Perrie was hidden behind the shower curtain singing to herself, and Jade couldn't figure out why, but Perrie's voice had never sounded more beautiful than right there in that moment.

Maybe it was the grogginess from just waking up, or the high temperature in the bathroom from the steaming shower water, or maybe just the fact that Jade had always been a little attracted to Perrie and never noticed it, but Jade found herself walking over to the shower curtain and pulling it back.

Perrie had obviously been extremely shocked and tried to cover herself with her hands, but Jade just told Perrie that she was the most beautiful person she had ever laid eyes on. After hearing Jade's words, Perrie's arms had fallen to her sides slowly and then Jade was stepping into the shower and then after that the two girls were kissing.

Obviously things escalated to shower sex, and when it was all over, Jade had left in a hurry out of the bathroom because she figured it had all been a heat of the moment thing and that Perrie could never feel the same way.

What had shocked Jade the most was when Perrie had emerged from the bathroom thirty minutes later and made her way over to Jade and pecked her on the lips. Jade just stared wide-eyed at Perrie with her mouth hanging open. Perrie wasn't even nervous at all when she asked Jade if she wanted to just stay in all day and cuddle because being with Jade just felt so right and she had this little voice in the back of her head that told her she could do it for the rest of her life.

They decided to tell Leigh and Jesy that they were together about three weeks later, and Leigh had just simply said, "Why?" because she was so caught off guard and Perrie had responded with, "Because I'm in love with her," and Jade couldn't help but break out into a huge smile because that was the first time Perrie had said that, and also because that's when she realized she was in love with Perrie too.

The rest after that was history, and the girls have been happily together ever since. Leigh and Jesy are still the only ones who know the truth about Jade and Perrie as well as a couple people high up in management that could be trusted with the secret.

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