Author's Note

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My 2nd short story, yay! Hopefully not as bad as the first one😅
I had such a difficult time coming with a title name, I bothered so many people who had amazing suggestions but at last I chose something simple and stupid I thought of😅 I'd like to thank ramseywithani, RaiminRose, Zahin_samia, Sumaita, Kannatul, Mehrab, Niloy and Adnan.
Special thanks to ramseywithani for taking the time and effort to edit my work💙💙💙💙💙💙
This idea very suddenly came to me tbh, I was thinking of what to write for the short story submission thing and another plot I had thought of came to mind but that couldn't be a short story so I improvised! Thanks to the fact that there was a lipstick in front of me with the "cruelty free" bunny logo, the whole plot fell into place~🐰
All that happened in my English class and I started scribbling it there 😹
I hope my short story gets selected >-<
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