Começar do início

"No problem." I hung up before getting up from my bed.

It had stopped raining so I put on some biker shorts under my big hoodie, putting the hoodie over my head, and quickly pulled on some sneakers.

Without the rain, I could skateboard all the way to one of the places where Alexander went when he was angry.

There were so many spots he had, so I didn't know why or how I ended up at the forest. It was dark as I walked in it, it smelled like that nice smell of earth after rain and I could hear some animals in this forest.

"Alex? Alex?" I called out, stepping over branches and walking faster.

I heard his faint voice. The more I followed it, the more I heard some words that he was saying. He said my name, his fathers name and 'Betrayal".

"Alex." I was close enough for him to hear me.

When he turned around, the first thing I saw was his eyes. The irises were dark, but the skin surrounding his eyes was red and puffy. The next thing I noticed was his messy hair. It looked like he had ran his hands through it multiple time. I then saw the blood stains down his white dress shirt.

He was still wearing his pants dress pants and dress shoes. But the vest he had on was gone, the dress shirt's first few buttons were unbuttoned and his yellow tie was loosely hanging around the back of his neck.

"Skyler." His eyes darkened even more as he realized that it was me. "What are you doing here?"

"W-What happened?"

"Nothing. Go home." He shrugged me off. His coldness hurt a deep part in me, but I knew he had the right to act this way.

"Alexander, can you please talk to me?"

"Sky, for once in your fucking life listen to me. Go the fuck home, I don't want to see your fucking face." He spat at me, attacking my heart with his harsh words.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll go. I hope I don't run into the same guys that were yelling at me on the way here." I lied, using his protectiveness against him.

He snapped his head bac, looking at me from over his shoulder. He silently watched me before looking away and taking a sip of his half done bottle.

"Alex. . ." I took a step towards him and he groaned. "I'm really fucking sorry."

"Sorry for what?" He scoffed. "Lying to my face or not wanting to come to Virginia with me."

Hearing him say it out loud sounded much worse than it did inside. Inside, I had justifications for my wants.

"Both. I'm sorry, Alexander." I apologized, wiping my tears.

He looked back at me. His eyes softened slightly before they darkened again and he took a big sip of his drink.

"Stop drinking. Please." I begged. I knew that the amount he drank was absolutely unhealthy, and I want afraid of something happening to him if he drank a little too much.

"Why? Do you want some?" He slurred, walking closer to me.

I didn't know why I was suddenly afraid of his closeness.

Star-CrossedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora