Chap 35 - Saving The Family & The Order

Start from the beginning

*Hours Passed By In The Dead Of Night*

Y/n was awakened by clattering noises and quickly drew her wand. "Very clean, these Muggles." A female voice spoke in a whisper til Y/n casted Lumos Maxima in front of her to see Alastor Moody, her pranking mentor Nymphadora Tonks and Kingsley along with a few others. "Tonks? Mad eye? Kingsley?" She said confused til she smiled widely as Tonks hugged her tightly as Moody along with Kingsley and the others went upstairs to get Harry and Dobby. "Nymphie, I thought I never see you again until I graduated." Y/n said as the young woman hugged her tightly back. "Hello, N/n. We'll talk more later but first we are saving you, your brother and your friend. Come on." Y/n and Tonks walked outside as Alastor, Kingsley, Harry, Dobby and the others followed them out as Moody explained to the Potters as they said that they were expelled from Hogwarts. "Well, you two haven't been, not yet. Kingsley, you take point." Moody said as Dobby jumped onto Y/n's back while Kingsley said to them. "Dumbledore has persuaded the Minister to suspend your expulsions pending a formal hearing." Y/n groaned at the word since she was given the dark mark, the eldest Potter went to many hearings to prove she wasn't a death eater. "Don't worry, Y/n and Harry, we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters." Tonks said to be interrupted by Mad eye Moody. "Shh! Not here, Nymphadora." Y/n smiled mischievously since Tonks only let her parents and herself call her by her first name, Y/n watched Tonk's pink/blue hair become fiery orange that showed her anger. "Don't call me Nymphadora." She said while Moody tapped his walking stick against the street as their broomsticks flew into their hands. "Stay in formation, everyone. Don't break ranks if one of us is killed." Moody said as they all flew off into the sky with Mrs. Figg watching them. Y/n flew beside Tonks as Dobby clinged to her back. "Hold on tightly, Dobby!" Y/n said as air blew her braid over her shoulder while they passed boats on the English channel river, the tower of London to a quaint little neighborhood. Y/n helped Dobby onto the ground as she watched a new townhouse building appear from the Muggles unaware what was going on outside. "In you two go, lady and son." Moody said as Y/n and Harry walked into the building with Y/n holding Dobby's hand looking at the tore up paintings, the cobwebs from the light fixtures til the siblings heard indistinct voices talking. Y/n and Harry walked into the light as Sirius, Arthur, and Remus saw them til Molly walked in front of the doorway. "Y/n, Harry." She said while Y/n smiled along with Harry. "Molly/Mrs. Weasley." Molly walked over to the two with open arms. "Heavens, you're both all right!" Molly hugged them tightly as they did they same to her before Molly smiled at them. "Bit peaky, but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait until after the meeting's finished." Molly said as Y/n tried to speak. "Molly?" The red headed woman patted her head. "Ah, No. No time to explain. Straight upstairs, first door on the left for you, Harry, and the right for you, Y/n. I'll have Dobby help me with dinner." Molly said as Y/n sighed softly before speaking to Dobby. "Help Molly out Dobby okay?" Y/n said as Dobby bowed smiling towards her. "Of course, Y/n." With that the two Potters walked up the stairs seeing mummified house elves along with a voice murmur. "Mudblood and werewolves, and traitors and thieves. If my poor Mistress knew the scum they've let into her house, what would she say to old Kreacher? Oh, the shame." Y/n looked at an ancient house elf, now known as Kreacher. "Freaks." A portrait whispered as Kreacher said. "There, there, Mistress." He began polishing the golden frame as the portrait kept speaking. "Scum of the earth. Not like it was in the days..." Y/n looked over at the elf and portrait while Harry walked upstairs. "Kreacher is here." Y/n shook her head before going fully upstairs and opened the door on her right as she did so was instantly grouped hugged by Fred, George, and Ginny. "Y/n are you alright? We've heard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything." Ginny said as Y/n smiled seeing her best friends and boyfriend. "Let her breathe, Ginny." Fred said as Ginny pushed her brothers off and pulled Y/n into the room and helped her sit on the bed. "And this hearing at the Ministry! It's just outrageous! I've looked it up--they simply can't expel you or Harry. It's completely unfair." Ginny said honestly as the four sat down on both sides of her. "Lot of that going around. So, what's is this place?" Y/n asked her friends as Fred and George answered her in unison. "It's headquarters of the order of the phoenix. It's a secret society-Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who." Y/n looked over at her friends as she stood up removing her long h/c hair from her braid as it now held wave like curls down her back. "You all couldn't have put this in a letter, I see? I've gone all summer with out a single scrap of news. Do you know how worried I was for you all, Hyena, Coyote and Gin?" Y/n used their nicknames before pacing the floor while the two sixth years and fourth year started to explain to her. "Dumbledore made us all swear not to tell you anything." Fred said as Y/n stopped pacing and looked directly at her friends. "Dumbledore said that? Why would he want to keep Harry and I in the dark? I'm one of the pair of siblings whom saw Voldemort return, was given this blasted mark, fought him side by side with Harry; My old magic of love is what protected Cedric." She said honestly before jumping up as George and Fred appeared behind her. "How about we all listen to something a little more interesting?" Fred said as he kissed her cheek lovingly thus making her face blood red.

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