Start from the beginning

"W..where are they? Can tell me where Marco is..?" My urgency was apparent, and he looked almost nervous to answer.
"Sorry...I...haven't seen him since we were getting our new orders from the Garrison...L..look, we need to move, (Y/N)...We have to regroup and get this shit sorted!" Connie took a few steps back, wanting me to follow him.

The Garrison...shit...

Shaking myself out of my personal concerns, I tagged along behind the boy, zipping after him and keeping an eye out for any familiar faces. It didn't take long for me to spot Reiner and Bertholdt, landing on a sunken roof.
"I'll meet up with you later, 'kay?!" I called out to Connie, changing course. "Oi! Reiner!" His head snapped up when he heard his name, and Bertholdt jumped a little in fright.

"(Y/N)..?" They both looked shocked to see me, but Reiner looked almost concerned.
"Got back just now...I heard what happened from Connie...That big ass colossal cunt booted the wall, right..? And Eren..." Bertholdt shrunk down, rubbing his face with his large hand.
" was insane...I still can't wrap my head around it..." Reiner mumbled, tapping his gas canister with a closed fist. "We don't have enough gas left to get up the damn wall, either. Gotta work with the Garrison to clear the rest of the titans while we can, now that the hole is closed..."

He sounded more tense than I had expected. I supposed fear could dig under the skin of even the toughest recruits.
"You guys haven't seen any of the others, have you? Marco, Sasha...even Jean? I wanna make sure they're okay..." I readied my gear, preparing to shoot off in any direction they suggested.
"Uh...well..." Bertholdt was a complete mess. Sweat dripped down the side of his face, and he looked like he was going to vomit.

"No, sorry...we haven't seen them since we met up for directions..." Reiner cut in, saving his friend from trying to speak. "We've been worried...So many people have already been killed..." I didn't like hearing that, but I knew it was true. I'd seen remnants of the carnage for myself.
"They're...all okay...I know it..." I muttered, choosing to remain as positive as I possibly could in such a situation. "C..can I stick with you two..? I kind of ditched Levi and the squad, and I'll probably just panic on my own..."

I'll panic either way, but I'd rather freak out with company...

Reiner nodded, elbowing Bertholdt to make him stand up straight and prepare to move.
"I wouldn't have let you run off on your own, anyway. Not in a mess like this." He gave me a weak, comforting smile, but, try as a might, I couldn't return it. Not when I knew what was happening around us.

We set off, searching for the rest of the cadets. The entire city felt like it was boiling, and I chose to ditch my cape mid-air, letting it dance off into the wreckage. The boys flanked me, and I noticed that I kept stealing quick glances over at the sturdy blond. I felt safe around him, and I wasn't sure whether it was due to his size, or the fact that he was kind to me. Either way, I was glad that I'd found him in the fray.

"H..HEEEEELP! G..GET OFF'A ME..!" A loud shriek sounded off to the east, and before I even registered the sound, my body was veering in that direction. A butt-ugly looking titan; one of the big ones, was slowly pulling some poor soldier up towards its jaws.
"I've got i-" Reiner couldn't even complete his sentence before I was up and over the nape of the hulking brute, swooping in and taking aim.

Okay...let's try not to get splattered this time..!

I totally got splattered, but the itching was a small price to pay when it meant a life was saved. Bertholdt managed to grab the man in time before he hit the ground, and swung him up to a neighbouring rooftop. Spitting out a scalding clot of blood, I followed them, nearly slipping off the tiles thanks to the crimson slick. Reiner grabbed me by the scruff of the jacket, moving me to the inner part of the roof with ease.
"Uh, thanks..." I chuckled in embarrassment.

"That was incredible..." He hummed, scanning me with deep golden eyes. "You've grown up overnight..." I decided to take it as a compliment, then I directed my attention to the shaken man, who was hunched over beside a concerned looking Bertholdt.
"You okay..? Anything hurting..?" The brunet shook his head, slowly bringing himself to a stand.
"Uh, no, just my pride..." He sighed, finally lifting his head.

No...No fucking way...Not now...

I dropped my trigger grips, letting them fall to my sides and clack against my calves. Taking a step back, I began to shake my head and try to form some kind of word. Anything.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Reiner was the first to notice, being right next to me, but then the man I had saved gave me his attention.
"Thanks for saving m..." His blue eyes widened when they met mine, and his jaw became awfully slack. "'s no're..?"

Why did it have to be you..? If I'd have known...I wouldn't have...

"Y..yeah...It's me...What was your name again..? Oh, yeah...that's right...Wilbur (L/N)..."



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