Thursday the 13th

25 3 2

Written June 12, 2019, at 2:30 am EST

In memory of the dear Anne Frank

Pressurized pain boiling within

I feel volcanic.

I'm manic with rage at the outcome

It's panic.

My spirit has migrated to a nicer atmosphere

Within myself.

Where the purple blazing fire is cooler

I pirated the younger and future me.

As the jaded labyrinth of phases fade from the high

Shadowed smoky windows of tinted rosy endo,

The hazy waves make me feel lazy.

Dazed by a dancing daisy.

I'm in a maze amazed by what's wrought forth to the wretched.

It's vaguely etched as if it's sketched in ancient limestone.

Forever known.

Now I'm a precious bone guarded within the fort.

I've fallen short.

A mere shell of my former chocolate torte.

We're headed now? Due further north.

To vengefully extort what had been taken.

They are as I am forsaken.

The shaken curse within the shakes of my old

Bones baked in eternity as I had desired once before.

Likewise, I fired to import my thoughts, for now, it's metallic!

It's a brand.

An entire land...


Lost in deeply thick frost.

Yet, we all still tread 'cross hoping to discover the land of promise.

And, we're cross that we bear the cross of every tribulation and trial. 

Must we?

The cost was never ever worth the utter loss.

Of time.

Trust me...

I know that now.

It's a harsh realization and I'm frail.

That damned dreadful painstaking trench in the marsh.

Wait, I need to stop right there.

Forbade it, I'm parched...

Maybe the next year.

If undoubtedly we're here.

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