Chapter 4

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  I had a great day. Note the sarcasm. First, Reece makes it very clear that he never wants me to race, like ever. Second, Slade shows up and doesn't even know who I am, so I had a little fun. Third, Reece knows about the race with Bennett and just hope he doesn't figure out its me. Cause then, I'm gonna be dead. And now, I'm stuck working on my bike with Slade helping work on Reece's car. Every now and then I see him looking over and checking me out. Pervert. I just hope Reece doesn't leave again, but today is not going my way. So of course, he has to go and grab some parts from the OTHER side of the junkyard.
      As soon as he leaves, Slade starts looking at me, more specifically my a**.  I roll my eyes and try to ignore him. I'm tightening the lug nuts on my front tire trying to ignore him, but I can feel his gaze on me.
      I turn my head and sure enough, he's staring. Ok, now he's pissing me off. No, A.J. just ignore him. He's not worth it. I walk over to the tool box and end up dropping a lug nuts. I bend down, pick it up and when I stand up he's looking at me again. Ok that's it.
     "Hey, pervert. If you dont mind could you stop checking me out? Thanks." I turn back around and hear him laugh.
      "I'm sure you would do the same to me." He said smirking. I turn back to him and get a good look at him. His dark brown hair and hazel eyes.
       I shake my head, "Nah, you're not my type." His smirk falls for a second and then is back on his face like it never happened.
      "I'm everyone's type."
      "Not mine." I turn back around and go back to looking for a wrench. He doesn't say anything else, he just stands there looking at the engine of Reece's car. After a few more minutes of complete silence, Reece comes back. I guess he could feel the tension between us because he says, "Slade, how bout we finish this tomorrow, before the race. Go home and get some rest."
     Slade glances over at me for split second and then turns back to Reece, "Yeah, I need some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."
    He goes and gets into his car, but not before looking back at me one more time. Is it just me or did his face look like he was.......heartbroken? Eh, I'm probably just seeing things.
A/n: Hey y'all. I know this chapter was pretty short, sorry. The cover was also made by my cuz, pinksocks4 if you haven't read her story. Please do. Now what do you think was A.J. right? Was Slade heartbroken or was she just seeing things? Please comment, I love hearing what you think and vote. -<3



Race for Your HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora