Chapter 2

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Slade POV

We fixed the car and made it to the race just in time. We drive up and everyone turns to look at us. I pull up to where I always park and Reece parks beside me. I open my car door and immediately hear the other cars engine's. Like every time I come here, my face breaks into a smile. Reece walks over to me and hits me on the back. "Ok, now Bennett's car is really fast. I heard that he hasn't been beat yet." He said talking about the guy I'm racing tonight. I'm not worried though, my car is fast.
"Reece, I've never been beat either. Chill, I got this." I said trying to calm him down.
"Man, are you sure? You've got a thousand dollars riding on this."
"I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't think I could win."
"Ok, but if you lose. You're screwed." He said holding his hands up.
"Yeah, I know I am." I said rolling my eyes.
"Hey! Are we gonna race or are you just gonna stand there?" Bennett yells at us from his car.
I look at Reece and he claps me on the shoulder, "Let's race." I said and then turned to get in my car. I drive up and Reece pulls us up to the line. He turns and walks away from us three steps and then he flashes the light. I hit the gas and next thing I know I'm at the finish line. I won. I drive back to Reece and get out of the car.
"What did I tell ya?" I said and then he pulled me into a bro hug.
"You did it. Now let's go get our money." He says and we start to walk over to Bennett. Whatever money I make off the races, I split with Reece. I mean if it wasn't for him this car wouldn't even be running. It also helps a lot that he works at Jensen's Garage and Junkyard in town. We make it over Bennett. Surprisingly, he doesn't put up a fight he just hands us the money and walks off.
After the races, Reece and I head over to a party. This happens after every race one of the guys throws a party and everyone is expected to come. I'm not complaining, I love it here. We walk in and look around I see a girl with blonde hair dancing with a girl with brown hair. Huh, she's kinda hot. Maybe I should-. My thoughts are interrupted by Reece.
"A.J.'s here." He said and he's clearly pissed.
"Really, where?" I look around and see if I see a guy anywhere who we might know. I've never met the guy so I wouldn't know what he looks like. Reece just ignores me and storms off into the crowd. I shrug my shoulders and go get a beer. I walk around until I see Reece talking to the blonde from earlier. Wow, Reece finally got him a girl. I walk over to some other girls and start talking to them.


I was having a good time with my friend Mallory when Reece and dragged me away. Great.
"What do you think your doing here?" He asks.
"Dancing." I say in a 'duh' tone.
"You don't need to be here. This isn't a good crowd."
"Then why are you here?"
"Because I know these guys, now just please go home or back to the shop." He begged. Reece is like the over protective brother. He's always watching out for me and I love him for it, but gets annoying.
Before I could say anything back, we heard a bunch of yelling coming from across the room. And guess who it? If you guess Slade then you would be correct. He was arguing with so idiot. I couldn't help ,but smirk. He's an idiot.
Reece ran his hand down his face and then turned his attention back to me, "Please go, I'll give you half the money I made tonight. Please, I'll see you at the garage tomorrow?"
I nodded and started backing away, "You better pay up." I said pointing at him.
"I will." He said walking over to Slade. I turned and walked out the back door. I'm not worried about leaving Mallory, because I know Reece will take care of her.
I'm zipping up my jacket and walking over to my bike when I see someone looking at it. The person turned their head a bit and I saw that it was Bennett McConnell. I heard he lost to Slade tonight. First race he's lost.
"This your bike?" He asked when he saw me approaching it.
"Yeah." I said smiling innocently at him.
"It fast?"
"One way to find out."
"Ok, your on. How much?"
"$500." I said grabbing my helmet.
"Let's do it." He said backing up.
"I'll lead the way." I said putting on my helmet. He already lost one race tonight ,why not make it two.
A/N: Hey y'all. Hope you liked this chapter. I know I said I would post every week but, I'm just gonna post when I can. So some days I might not post but others I might post like 3 chapters. What did you think about A.J. racing? Next chapter is when they finally meet. Don't forget to comment I want to hear what you think and vote. See ya. -<3

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