"Just let them know we're all meeting them," I say again.

"I will," we change the subject after she agrees to tell Troy.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Daniel didn't know about the Lycan's but suspected Troy knew more than he was letting on about magic. I kept my mouth shut, still salty about how Daniel had acted. I wasn't going to tell him anything he didn't need to know. Honestly, I was worried about Daniel's reaction to hearing about Lycan's. What would he do? Plus, if he reacted badly to that, what would he think about Erik having the Hybrid gene?

I shivered at the thought.

I was driving Dara and I back home. My mom had text us to not make plans tonight. Dolores' girlfriend was coming to dinner. I didn't know much about her, except that her name was Ember. I tried to look her up on social media, but I didn't know her last name. There were a lot of Ember's. I even tried to look up Dolores and go from there, but as far as I could tell she didn't have any kind of social media account.

I hadn't thought that were possible in this day and age. I was impressed.

"Are you nervous about tonight?" I asked Dara. It wasn't like Dara to be nervous about really anything, but I was making small talk. Mainly, because I was nervous about meeting Ember. I didn't know what to expect.

"Tonight? Oh, you mean meeting Dolores' girlfriend? Not really no, it's just dinner." She shrugged. Her response didn't surprise me.

"I know it's just dinner, but what if--

"You can't play what if games, you'll drive yourself crazy." I raised an eyebrow at her. "What? It's true." She muttered, playing with a ring on her thumb. I think it was one of my old rings.

"When did you get all wise and mature?" I asked, smirking down at her. She was really growing up.

"I dunno," she looked happy. More importantly, she looked healthy.

I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. My mind was racing, thinking about a million different things. I was trying to distract myself with this dinner, so I wouldn't have to think about everything else. Sarah Good and Levi were coming to Salem. It wasn't to reminisce either, they wanted to kill us.

Vayne was most likely dead. There was a very slim chance that he was still live. In my vision, I hadn't seen or sensed him. It felt like one hundred percent Levi. I couldn't bring myself to tell Dara, so I hadn't. I kept my last vision to myself and the Coven. Daniel didn't even know. I think Addie had told Erik.

Overall, we hadn't talked about it. Except for Monday, after school, all of the girls went to Ivelyn's and tried to "train." It was a poor excuse for what we were doing. Basically, we all used our magic on each other, trying to strengthen our powers. Ivelyn was able to use her and water at the same time, but she couldn't keep it up for very long. It was still impressive.

I, on the other hand, had no problem shielding Ivelyn's powers along with Kate's. Apparently, it didn't matter how many people were trying to break the shield, as long as I held onto that golden thread. It wasn't a real golden thread, I knew that, but it helped me visualize my power. It worked, so I kept it up. I wanted to try and use The Amulet and my shielding power, but I didn't want the coven to worry, so I kept my hand off the necklace.

No one brought it up, so neither was I.

When we got home, we found Gran manically cleaning. Although, the house really didn't need it. I don't think I had ever seen the house in less than stellar condition. Everyone picked up after themselves and Gran cleaned every day. This was different, she was deep cleaning, or so she told me.

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