He told me multiple times that he loved me. But the way we behave like strangers, made me feel like we don't even have a little connection. That feeling you get when met someone new and you know you guys are going to be something special, just because of the way you talked in those first few minutes, or the first hour. or maybe just seeing them sometimes. I didn't have that sort of a thing with Veron. Most of the time, we were so quiet, that I had to think a couple of times why I agreed to come in the first place. It doesn't much help when I don't trust him as well.

Honestly, I would never even imagine going to such a fancy restaurant like that, just for a dinner. I would be going there only for just one reason.  For a waitressing job. But even then, if I don't get even a little tip there, I would quit. 

I truly don't know how I could go through this again. But being the idiot I am, I said yes for another date. 

I was forced into saying yes with his intense gaze, I guess. I mean, why else would I agree to endure this all over again? 


The next day, I get to work early and start cleaning the place. 

Our chef was a little late today so I didn't get to have my breakfast cookie. Normally when he bakes the first batch before the restaurant opens, he gives me one. Mr. Travor doesn't really know about it and I don't get to pay for it or anything as well. Everyday when our chef, Nick gives me the cookie he says "On the house." It's actually our little secret. I don't think anyone knows about it.

Not having it today, I'm actually staying with just my morning coffee.

Today was a little crowded but I was mostly in the kitchen. By the time lunch break came, I was actually a little too weak. So grabbing my usual sandwich pack from the kitchen stock, I go to the lunch room and start to eat it.

My phone has been vibrating for the last hour or so. I fish it out and  check my messages to see that they are all from Veron. All of them saying "Hi:)"

How did he even get my number?

I send a simple "Hi." 

Just then, Beth comes up to me. "You've got any plans tonight?"

"Not really. Why?"

Veron: When are you done working?

Me: I have to work late today. Why?

I don't want hang out with Veron again today.

"Earth to hope!" I look at Beth apologetically and mutter "Sorry"

"Okay. So, today is Ellen's birthday and there's a party at her place. She asked us to come and Mr. Travor said we could go after 10. Can you come?"

I think about this for a moment. If I go home, there's a chance Veron would be there. Just then my phone vibrates.

Veron: I wanna pick you up.

"Yea... Okay. Sure." Beth claps her hands excitedly and walk out.

Me: Not today. Sorry.

I'm reminded of Arya Start from Game Of Thornes, how she says "Not today." I am kind of a fan although I haven't watched any of it yet. But I have seen memes and some scenes on the internet. So I know everything that happens. Well, not everything. Just the main spoilers.

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