First Day On The Job

Start from the beginning

Time Skip

It's been a while since that game of tag. Obi left somewhere after lunch and I haven't seen anyone the rest of the day. I think shirayuki's exam should have ended a while ago but I'd still like to go see the garden she was in anyway. Every royal garden is gorgeous no matter the kingdom. As I hopped over each tree branch I found myself in front of the greenhouse. There seems to be a lock on the door though.. Weird. I cupped my hand around my eyes and peeked in. There were still some people in there. I wonder if they're locked out?
I knocked on the glass and stepped back a bit. It was blurry but someone was right in front of me. They waved their hands frantically than shouted out my name.
Wait.. his highness and shirayuki?
I got my notebook out and slid a note under the door. "Stuck?"
"Yes!" They shouted worried. I used Mother's sword and cut off the lock swiftly then heard moving from a bush but I didn't look at it. I didn't want it to know I knew it was there. I kept my eyes on the prince and shirayuki before quickly walking in and shutting the door behind me.
"What did you do that for?!" He shouted in anger.
Wow, my eardrums are killing me from everyone's screaming this week, kindly shut up Prince Zen.
The door shook but stayed closed then shook again and stopped. I looked at the Prince then back at the door. He seemed to understand what I was getting at..
"We're locked in again." He sighed.
"But not dead!" I smiled handing him the note.
He almost fell over, "Yeah but we're stuck in here again and we have someone following us" he whispered. I shrugged.
"Maybe it's Obi playing a prank?" I wrote knowing it wasn't him but tried to make them feel better.
"I don't think so.." the prince sighed and sat down.
"Okay.. shirayuki, how was your exam?" I wrote.
"I'm still in the middle of it" she giggled and scratched the back of her neck. "Me and Zen were just moving the plants before you walked in and since it seems we won't be out any time soon, do you mind helping us?" She asked me smiling.
"Not at all" I smiled then took instructions and immediately began working. This went on until the morning time. When we had finally finished we were all so worn out. Then door began to rattle and it seemed someone walked in.
"Shirayuki? And Prince Zen? I don't even know who you are" A woman sighed pointing at me with her clipboard. I shrugged and shut my eyes again, I was tired. "Why are you two in here? And why haven't you gone home yet shirayuki?" She asked us.
"W-Well.. I noticed the plants were all planted at in the wrong areas so I moved them with the help of Y/n and Prince Zen" she nervously said. This must have been her exam person thingy.
"Why were the two of them in here in the first place?" She asked us.
"We were trapped in her by someone unknown wearing all black. Seemed to be a taller and a little older male." Prince Zen told the guards standing besides them.
"I see.. Shirayuki you do know this is considered cheating meaning you failed... But if the Prince said so, you could have a spot as a court herbalist no questions asked" the woman told prince Zen.
I laughed to myself and shook my head..
"There's no way, she has way too much pride for that" the Prince chuckled.
"Well Ryuu, take a look at this" she gave the papers shirayuki had been writing on then gave them to a little boy. I heard there was a young court herbalist but this was insane! The boy nodded in approval to the woman. She looked back at the 3 of us before laughing in our faces.
"You passed with flying colors, Shirayuki. But you didn't have to replant everything. You could have just wrote it down!" She laughed then tried to calm down. "Well Ryuu, it seems we have a new apprentice on our hands." She smiled looking at the boy. He nodded then walked out.
"If you follow me, I'll show you the room we've prepared for you in the castle" she smiled then walked out. Shirayuki looked back at me and the prince with a huge smile.
"Thank you!" She mouthed before quietly following the women..
"Oh that's right! I almost forgot about your room too" The Prince smiled and stood up.
What? I get a room too? Sweet!
I smiled widely and followed him into the building.
"Kiki offered to share a room with you until another one is ready. For now I hope it'll be alright" he smiled.
"Yes, Your Highness! Thank so much, I'll be sure to thank miss Kiki also" I wrote happily on my note pad then tore it off and handed it to the prince.
"You really don't have to call me 'Your Highness' you know?" He sighed.
"I can't just call you by your first name, you're my boss" I showed him what I wrote. He sighed in defeat .
"You're right.. but take it easy on that stuff. And just between you and me..." he whispered then leaned over to the right where I was walking. "When we're alone no one will know what you call me, I'm not like my brother or any other royal. At least.. I try to be nicer" he chuckled with a little smile.
I blushed a bit. His breath sent a shiver down my spine..
"But Prince Zen, it's all on paper remember?" I showed him with a frown. I'd love to stop with this formal stuff but I can't as long as my voice is gone.
"Has your voice still not come back at all?.." he asked me worriedly. I shook my head no and kept my eyes ahead. "I know it will one day soon, so dont worry about it" The Prince smiled.
I don't deserve his kindness. Honestly, a prince whose actually a nice person? Am I in a fairytale or something?
I nodded again, feeling my slight blush fade into nothing.
"Besides if you're anthing like Obi than maybe you shouldn't get your voice back..."
"Pfft" i laughed without any sound and covered my mouth with my hand.
"I wonder where that cat is anyway" He sighed to himself.
"Aw, did ya miss me master?" Obi appeared from behind the corner making the Prince jump and reach for his sword.
I laughed again knowing he was there the whole time.
"D-Did you know he was there?!" The Prince shouted.
"Of course i did, your highness. What kind of sentinel would i be if i didnt" i rolled my eyes as he read it.
"Sentinel.. the real meaning sounds too much like a regular guard but I can't have 3 aides.." He mummbled thinking to himself making me and Obi laugh.
"How about... The Lookout" Obi whispered and did something with his hands for added affect.
"No" The prince said at the same time as i held up the word 'No' on my notebook.
"Awww" he pouted.
"Maybe... a Spy?" The Prince asked.
"Im pretty sure spys go seeking information rather than looking for potential problems" i wrote.
"You can be a problem solver or a...field expert." Obi smirked trying to hold in his laugh.
"Lets go ask Mitsuhide and Kiki" The prince said completely ignoring Obi.
"Aww what?" He complained.
Me and Obi walked a little behind the Prince for a second before he realized we were back here i wrote obi a special note saying, "if you didnt lock me and the others in that greenhouse last night than can you go find the person who did? Taller, a little older and was wearing all black" i slipped him the note.
He nodded a little surprised then ran off. I caught up with the Prince slowly so it wouldnt seem like i was back there.
"You told Obi?" He whispered nonchalantly so not to raise suspicion to anyone around.
Dang it, he caught me.
I looked at him and shrughed feeling a little grin from under my mask. The Prince frowned than stopped in front of a door.
"This room right here is Kiki's" he smiled and patted the door. "At some point there will be another room open for you a few doors down. Yours, mitsuhide's, and Kiki's rooms are close to mine in case of emergencies. Youll find mine all the way down the hall on the left." He told me still smiling.
"Thank you, Prince Zen. Im sure ill feel right at home here with you all" I wrote smiling back at him.
"Im glad" he told me smiling than started walking off to his office.
His smile made my skin crawl and heart beat faster and faster.
I feel so light and airy yet my skin is crawling! I've got goosebumps! i-i dont know what happened!
I stared at the back of Prince Zen's head as he walked. Suddenly he turned back to me with that same old smile that made me fell nuts.
"Are you coming or are you just going to wait there?" He chuckled. I could feel butterflies erupt from my stomach which scared me a little honestly.
I nodded my head hesitantly before jogging back over to him. We walked all the way there in comfortable silence although i still couldnt figure out why everytime i looked at him my chest fluttered. Maybe im just sick or hungry?
"Im back" Prince Zen sighed walking into his office to be met by loads of paperwork.
"Good morning, sir" mitsuhide smiled and put down his book.
"Morning you two" Kiki greeted us with a light smile.
"Good morning" i smiled and showed the two my note which they smiled back at.
"I showed Y/n where your room is since her's isn't ready yet" the Prince told Kiki who was standing next to Mitsuhide.
"Itll be nice to have a roommate for a while and I won't have to worry about the noise" Kiki chuckled to herself. Mitsuhide got this really annoyed look on his face.
"Yeah well, I have to sleep in the same room as obi.." he pouted.
"I promise he's not bad. Maybe just a little talkative at times.." I wrote and showed mitsuhide the note.
"You will all have separate rooms in a while but for now try to make do, alright?" Prince Zen sighed trying to make some peace.
I smiled to Kiki and gave her a thumbs up, she did the same.
"Y/n, I sent someone to gather yours and Shirayuki's things at the Inn. It'll be in your room no later than dinner time" The Prince told me before sitting at his desk.
I nodded. Than I remembered something we were talking about earlier.
"Do either of you have a better name for my occupation?" I wrote and kiki and Mitsuhide them the note. The Prince seemed to wonder what I asked so Mitsuhide read out the question.
"Lookout?" He asked.
"What's wrong with being a sentinel?" Kiki asked.
I shrugged turning to Prince Zen. "Well I suggested being The Lookout".
Everyone had a moment of silence until The Prince spoke up.
"Royal Sentinel it is!" He shouted than wrote something down at his desk.
"Come with me Y/n, we've got work to do!" The Prince shouted enthusiastically and tried to walk out.
"Ah, ah, ah.. You've got work to do. I'll take Y/n and that paper down there for you." Mitsuhide stopped him.
Wow, Prince Zen thought he was being real slick huh?
"...fine" he muttered clenching his teeth and sitting down in his chair angrily doing his paperwork.
"Now lets go Y/n, before he gets even more grumpy" mitsuhide joked.
"IM NOT GRUMPY!" The Prince shouted as we shut the door.

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