"Oh, I'm not the one that needs protection." I muttered lowly, "No. my current situation was from a dare actually, but he's dead now."

She choked on air and I laughed. I think I will never not laugh at people's misfortune.

"Wait, so it was rape? Or consensual?"

"It ended up being consensual, wasn't at first- but he's dead now so I don't care."

"Oh, you're.. you're taking it well. Uh, mind me asking how, if you kn-"

"*sigh* if you heard the news with Trevor Jackson, then there you go. Y'know, the police interviewed me thinking I was a culprit or whatever —fucking racist— and I wasn't very... sane that day. So I kept laughing at certain questions." I held back the laughter that wanted to erupt from my throat.

" Well, it would seem pretty suspicious. What questions?"

" I dunno man, one of 'em were if I knew how his dick came off and asked how I was impregnated by him. I wanted to creep the interfering men out." I chuckled and noticed her knitted brows.

"Wait, why would they need to ask that?-"

"Cause one- no you gotta turn off that camera first."

"Oh, you know I ca-"

"Oh, too bad, I could just leave and not tell you." I got up quickly to leave and she huffed before reluctantly turning off the camera. "Now, was that so hard?" I walked back to the couch when I was sure she had the device turned off.

"Why did you need it of-"

"Cause what I'm about to share with you, my parents already know, but your superiors shouldn't. You're lucky I am gonna tell you Cause no one else should know this."

She grew concerned, guilty and surprised in one, then she motioned for me to continue. Like I need your permission. Honestly, y'all, I'm just doing this cause I can feel her sexual frustration from here and she's my therapist so I'm just gonna be helping her out. Kinda paying attention mainly to my own benefit. I hadn't had it in 3 days and the crave was strong as fuck.

"Hm, yeah so one of the guys mentioned my secret to the investigator. Which brought out the question of: how did I become impregnated."

She confusingly motioned to continue. So I said I'm a hermaphrodite. Always have been, both of my organs functioned perfectly too. And of course, she didn't seem to believe it. I tapped into her mind and listened to her pondering thoughts. She would need proof, and I'm not afraid of exposing my body one on one, so I stood up and began to undress.

"No, what are you doing?"

"Do you use contraceptives?"

Very Short Smut beginning (not detailed) ahead, skip along. 🏳️‍🌈💎♐️🧬

"I- I had started to get the birth control injections. Why?"

I just smirked and shut the last window while ensuring that the door to this soundproof room was locked.

I pulled off the last piece of clothing and stood infront of her then sat on her lap.

"I've got this thing, where I could just feel when someone is off-balanced, and that they don't believe me..." I started to manipulate her mind to get undressed as I continued to seduce her. "... no one has to know. Not my parents, your boyfriend or anyone that doesn't belong, period. When all this is over you will not remember any of it. Buene?"

She nodded and gave herself in.

🏳️‍🌈💎♐️🧬 ok, we're done, lmao

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now