The Future Knows All

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The dark abyss called night surrounds us as we ride on our motorcycle to a nearby psychic. The motorcycle's engines roared as the passing vehicles roared back. As we neared the house, we noticed a strange...event.

I looked to my right, noticing a forest with some trees cleared out of it. Scratch that. More than "some". A lot of trees were cleared out, almost like a something not-human did it. I noted it in my memory, continuing to ride to the house.

As we arrived, we parked our bikes before walking up to the front door. The psychic had skulls and weird gems outside of her house, which leads me to believe she's a Wicca, but it's rude to make assumptions. Plus, if she is one, she could be reading my mind this instant!

I knock on the door, holding my breath in attempt to calm myself down, which most certainly did not work.

A young woman opened the door. She had black hair, with a red headband and hazel eyes. I looked at the clothing she was wearing. A black dress with high heels. She looked like she was about to go to a classy dinner.

"Sorry, Are we bothering you?" Ben asks.

The woman's face looked shocked.

"No! Not at all."

I tilted my head, confused. Why was she shocked? Maybe we surprised her.

"Come in, come in." The woman says, taking a step back so that we could enter.

We stepped into the house, which immediately gave us chills.

"My name is Lhirox," She says, pronouncing it like "leh-roy". Which made no sense when she spelled it out. "Why are you boys here? Shouldn't you be hunting demons and such?"

"How do you know about that?" I ask, looking directly at her without breaking eye contact.

"A demon came to warn me, they thought you were going to harm me." She replies, looking down.

"Why would a demon care if we hurt you? Wouldn't they enjoy it? Y'know, because another soul goes to Hell?" Ben asks, his facial expression representing a confused manner.

"For your information, I am not going to Hell. Second off, They care because I'm a hell of a good psychic....that's made a couple deals to become one." She says, sighing.

I shook my head, "Alright. Let's get this over with." I say, becoming impatient.

"Uh-uh-uh. You and your boyfriend need to pay me first." Lhirox says, shaking her head as she puts her hand out for cash.

Ben went along with it, giving the psychic cash, "We aren't dating, we're brothers."

"Hm..Whatever you say." She said, beginning to hold our hands as she closed her eyes, and we did too. The candles began to flicker as she said words in a weird language we had never heard before. A rush of fear came over me as I shivered a bit before an ear-piercing noise came. It sounded like it was in my head, like nobody else could hear it, but I heard Ben yelling. So, I opened my eyes, confused my the noise I was hearing. I looked towards Lhirox, confused.

Except, She stared back at me with the blankest eyes I had ever seen.

Because she had no eyes.

Her eyes had burnt out.

The flames of the candles grew larger as the noise grew louder. I can't think. I can't see. I can't hear my voice, my thoughts, my-

The noise stopped, the flames blew out, and all I could hear was the voice in my head screaming, looking at the corpse of the psychic we had just met. Then, lights went out one by one, until they stopped. I grabbed Ben's hand and raced out of there, scared, yet confused. I looked to the clearing of trees, noticing how this was all adding up.

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