The Visitor

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"Coming!" I replied to my mother's call, frowning.

"Are you expecting someone?" James asked, looking slightly confused.

I shook my head, opening the doorknob to my door as I exited my room. I clung to the railing as I headed down the stairs, my friends following me with fear, yet confusement as I looked up, seeing a familiar face.

When I was 7, I just wanted to see the world. I left the only place I could call home, running into the city, not knowing what to do or where to go next. I looked in front of me, and there was a road. I saw a white truck passing by and I thought to myself, "This is my chance! My dreams are finally here!" I stuck out my thumb, waiting for the truck to stop and thankfully, it did. It came to a screeching halt as I entered the truck, not knowing any better. The man asked my name and I gave it to him, without thinking. The man acted on me, grabbing a pocket knjfe as he removed his belt. I was so scared- so frightened. I didn't know what to do or where to go. I was just there- frozen in fear. I watched as the unknown man started removing articles of clothing. I slowed my breathing, beginning to regain control of my body. I reached for the door handle, wanting to desperately escape but, the man had locked the door. I looked back at the man, who was continuing to get unclothed. Looking at his hand, I grabbed the pocket knife, stabbing the window as I cleared the shattered glass from the window, clawing my way out of the truck when I felt a hand grasp my ankle, pulling me back into the truck. I tried. I tried so hard to escape, and I did. I kicked the man in the face, escaping out of the window and into the night, never seeing the man again.

"What are YOU doing here?" I grimaced, looking at the man who I deeply despised.

"Me? I don't even know you." He lied, his facial expression becoming dark as if he was telling me to be quiet.

"I think you should leave." Ben replied, seeing my face getting red from anger.

"I think you should leave." The man responded, glaring directly at Benjamin, who was quivering from fear of the man's tone of voice.

"Gladly. Let's go, guys."

Ben grabbed my wrist as he ran up the stairs, pulling me along with him. When we entered the room, we locked it immediately. He released my wrist from his grasp as I surveyed the room. James, Ben and I were in the room.

Liam was not.

It was then when I heard an ear-piercing scream.

And then another.

I bolted down the steps, seeing the front door open. I looked on the floor where a trail of blood could be seen. Ben, James and I followed the trail in silence until we found Liam and my mother....

....nailed to an upside down cross.

Tears formed in my eyes as I desperately wanted to save them, but they were already gone. A scream emersed from James, who was behind me. I turned around quickly, only to see the man stabbing him with the same pocket knife I used to escape his truck when I was 7.

I was frozen with fear. Ben had to lift me off of my feet. Ben ran with me on his back. He bolted out of the door. He ran, and ran, and ran until we lost count of the hours we had been running.

A miracle happened.

We saw a truck. A black pickup truck. We raced to the owner, sweating profusely as we sprinted to them.

"MISS!" Ben screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to catch their attention.

And he did.

"What? What are you doing here? This is private property!" The lady screamed at us, glaring down at us with her blue eyes.

"My mom and my friends. They were both murdered!" I exclaimed.

"Nice try. Come on, Let's go. What's your mother's number?" The lady looked at Ben.

"I...don't have one of those."

"What's your guardian's number?"

"I don't have one of those either."

"Who takes care of you, then?" The lady glared, almost as if she was looking into our souls.

"I take care of him. We're brothers." I lied, looking at the lady.

"Hop in the car."

We did as we were told.

Because we didn't know any better.

The truck drove off with us in it. I lost count of the seconds- no..I lost count of the minutes- that doesn't seem right either. I lost count of the days we were in her car. I didn't know where we were, or even where we were going. I just knew that we were safe. That was all that mattered to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked the lady.

"You'll see." She responded.

I didn't like the sound of that. By the expression on Ben's face, I'm guessing he didn't either.

Before I knew it, everything around me was...dark. I opened my eyelids, realization striking me.

I had fallen asleep.

I sat up, glancing around at the environment around us. One thing was for sure-

We weren't in California anymore.

I felt the vehicle come to a halt as I read the sign on the building we see parked in front of.

"Parkview Orphanage."

My heart sank into my chest as we were forced to get out and walk through the doors that we were forced to now call home.

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