Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Eren!" Armin chastised him, seeing that this was important, especially when it involved someone from the 104th that bore the same name as the aristocrat family, and it had a connection with their Captain. He had his thoughts about it, he had a feeling ever since he saw Levi talk to her at the barracks and when they were carrying the dead at their Excursion.

"Why does the Reed family have a Titan crystal?" Levi demanded.

The Pastor said nothing, Levi was forced to let go of the Pastor by Hange and went back in to his thoughts. But he was not the only one that was in deep thought, Armin, whose mind have been going on to the familiar family name.

Reed. He thought. There's only one person he knew that had the name of Reed...


Ehrmich District

"Once we leave Ehrmich, we'll be in Titan territory." Hange said to Eren.

Meeting them by the stables was Moblit, who had their horses ready for their travel back to Wall Rose, but just as they were to leave, Levi came with Pastor Nick at his side.

"Moblit, just a moment." Hange said and approached the Pastor. "So, have you had a change of heart?" when the Pastor didn't speak, Hange snapped. "We don't have time for this! you know, don't you?! Will you talk, or won't you?! Make up your mind already!"

"I cannot say anything." Pastor Nick said. "The other believers are the same as I, and that will never change."

"Then thanks for nothing!"

"It's too great a decision for a single person to make." Pastor Nick said. "The Order of the Walls must always adhere to the sacred will we're bound to obey."

"Whose will? God or something?" Hange asked.

"I cannot say anything... but I can inform you a name, who under their sacred will, we were instructed to monitor..."

"Monitor?" Hange asked.

"That person joined the Scout Regiment as of this year... Their name is, Krista Lenz."

The door opened and came Sasha with her message, but everyone was at shock to hear the name to even notice her.

"Her?" Eren said.

"Who is she?" Hange asked.

"You must find her at once." Pastor Nick said. "Only she... she may know the truths which even we cannot perceive. That is all the information I can share. The rest, I leave to you."

"If she's in the 104th, the she's deep in the front line right now." Hange said.


"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

After the emergency call that woke them all, Iris and the others ran up the tower to see the situation, and to their great unfortune, Titans surrounded the castle, all attracted to their scent.

"What are we going to do?!" Connie asked.

"Stay here." Nanaba said and got out her blade. "We'll take care of it."

Iris watched as Nanaba and the others took care of the Titans trying to climb up the tower to get them.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing!" Connie said. "There has to be something we could do!"

"What, wanna take these bricks and smash them at those Titans?" Leon sarcastically said with panic.

Iris traced her arm, where her knife was hidden under her skirt. Cursing, she was about to pull up her skirt to get her knife –

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