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The movements this jelly-legged titan made were too obvious. I wasn't sure if the others thought that or not, but I definitely did. Swinging all my weight away from my target, I managed to swing myself just out of reach, narrowly avoiding being slapped into oblivion by enormous, grabby hands.

Do this in a single shot..!

Blades at the ready, I had my sights set on the smooth skin of the nape, feeling a little motion sick from swinging around like some discombobulated bird. Ignoring the growing discomfort in my stomach, I shot down, straight against my target. With both blades, I unintentionally roared out a pissy battle cry, flinching as thick, steaming red sprayed out over my entire front.

Great. I'm filthy. Levi's gonna be pissed.

I rode the deceased titan on the fall to the earth, faltering only in the moment where it counted and falling flat on my ass on impact. The others were surrounding the lifeless abnormal immediately, gawking up at me in a mix of frustration and awe.
"Damn, girl...You actually pulled it off..." Petra blinked owlishly as he poked at the steaming skin.

I yelped loudly as the entire body began to almost boil, and I tumbled off the titan, straight onto the ground with a loud oof.
"Hot! Hot hot hot!" I rolled around like an absolute idiot, trying to get as much blood off of myself as possible. It was like scalding water, and it hurt. Eld and Oluo raced over to make sure I was okay, and it began to evaporate.

"You're an absolute idiot, you know that..?" Eld hissed, flicking me square between the eyes. "But...good job...That's your first solo kill, kiddo..." Oluo stood up, offering me his hand and hoisting me to my feet.
"I really thought you were gonna die. So, nice job not doing that, I guess." He complimented in his usual backhanded way, and I shook out my arms, blinking away the dizziness that still rattled me.

"Th..thanks..." I mumbled, focusing on the ravonet who was striding towards me from behind them. He looked me over once; eye twitching in reaction to the fresh stains on my clothing, and nodded to me.
"That's what I like to see. Not a bad job at all. Could have been a little neater...but I suppose I'll let it slide, just this once..."

Wow...a compliment from Levi...

Scratching the back of my neck, I shrugged my shoulders, ignoring the very faint ache from my age old injury.
"Thanks, I guess..." I puffed out my cheeks, then nearly toppled over when my horse walked up to my side, nudging me with his nose. "Aw, I'm okay, Boy! I showed him, didn't I!"

We took a short break to water our horses again, and to check the map again, figuring out a slightly quicker route thanks to my minor detour, much to my delight. That was when Eld approached me by himself.
"That was reckless, (Y/N)..." He mumbled quietly, making it seem like he was checking over Boy. "...I don't want you to get too confident..."

Protective boy...

"I just did what I'm supposed to do. See titan, kill titan. I'm not in any hurry to die anymore, Eldy..." I made sure to catch his eye when I said that, trying to silently let him know that he was a part of my newfound will to live.
"Just...lean on me a little, okay..? All of us...That's the point of being in a squad..." He really was worried, and it seemed that me not having a need for his assistance bit at his pride.

Being a little shit, as usual, I let myself lean into him, using all of my weight and nearly knocking him to the ground.
"I mean, sure, I guess? Like this?" I gave him a cheeky grin, and his face flushed, making him look rather adorable.
"Qu..quit it! You know what I meant..." He complained, nudging me back, but not completely off of him. "When we get there...just stick by me...or Levi...or any of us, really...but...I'd really prefer it be me..."

Just as I was about to respond, a loud, obnoxious cough sounded off behind us, and we both jumped around and apart, now facing a grumpy looking Levi.
"If you're done with your horses and personal business...then get a move on." His usual dark aura had returned, and part of me thought that it seemed even harsher than before.

"But I'm all itchy...Either that titan had fleas, or I'm allergic to the blood..." I squirmed about, not lying about having a full-body irritation, but exaggerating it to make him uneasy. It worked, as he instantly took a large step backward.
"Then stay the hell away from me." He growled, eyeing me off as he turned and began to stalk away.

"But Leviiiii!" I started off after him, pretending to scratch and rub at my torso. "It's all itchy! Won't you be a dear and check if I have fleas?!" I laughed loudly as he started off in a flat out sprint towards his horse, with me only a length or two behind.
"Get away from me, you filthy brat! That's an order..!" His voice faltered slightly, and it was music to my ears as he vaulted into the saddle and set off in a brisk canter.

Well...if I have to be part of this scout bullshit...I'm glad I'm with this squad!

...I wonder how Marco's doing..?


Vista - Attack on Titan x Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon