Chapter 1 - Gaea

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Long ago, before the formation of universe and time itself. The gods didn't have much to do so they'd boast their abilities, gulp barrels of wine and erect their statues in the heavenly gardens whose foundations were held by Maguses. This garden also was the home of the goddess of life, Gaea. Different then the others, she kept herself isolated for years. The only thing she admired was her bunch of roses, she would often contemplate their beauty for hours.

Those who dare approach the rose despite its thorns would experience its fragrance, its softness and then the petals fall off. The beauty fades away but fret not, for it will blossom again.

Gaea plucked a single rose and pricked its thorn into her finger, from there a drop of blood fell onto the petals. Nothing happened, not even the slightest change. She thought maybe her pain would bring in some happiness but it didn't. She anchored her eyes at the flowerbed, and a single tear made its way down her cheek and fell on a budding rose. The flower blossomed, but this time she could hear a voice whisper. It felt like a song to her, sweet and comforting. The petals swayed away and there laid a baby.

Gaea, held it in her arms and rested it against her shoulder. She could feel its soft skin, and the warmth it possessed. Gaea took a rose petal and placed it firmly on the baby's chest. The petal made its way down the baby's chest and the baby started to cry. Painful yet so pleasing to the ears, she whispered the words life in its ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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