"Okay, off me then. I'll make his majesty something.." Harry said helping Zayn sit up,

"I'm no royal" Zayn was pouting at him, "nor a diva"

"Not you baby. I meant Louis"

"I heard that..." Louis shouted.

They both laughed going to the bathroom to brush their teeth and freshen up. Harry left Zayn to have a shower while he made breakfast for everyone.


Later they sat in the lounge eating breakfast Harry made. Zayn and Harry's flat was big enough for them to fit in a dining table.

"I heard the news about my niece. When were you gonna tell me then, Hazza?" Gemma said. "Mom told me, I thought you would've at least told me yourself. But its whatever."

"Niece? We don't know the sex of the baby, Gems. Zayn has an appointment next week to find out what we're having", Harry told her.

"We, Harold, there's a we now?" Louis asked amused.

"Louis, shush." Zayn scolded.

"Don't worry Harold. I'm glad there's a we. It's cool. When did that happen then? After he sucked you off Zee?" Louis smirked at Harry as Niall choked on his pancakes, Gemma laughing.

"What's the matter Niall, you don't have no one to suck you off?" Gemma said and Harry nearly choked on his tea.

Niall was coughing so bad Zayn was afraid he might cough up his lung, he rubbed Niall's back, he was sat nearer to him.

"I don't think he does, Gemma." Louis said.

"I don't see you having anyone suck you off, Louis" Niall retaliated with a hoarse voice.

"Roar." Gemma growled at Niall imitating a tiger clawing her fingers.

"Me and Eleanor are on a break, thanks Niall" Louis sighed dramatically dipping his pancake in his tea-

"You're on a break again?" Harry asked, then sipped his own tea.

"Fuck off Harry" Louis said, noticed too late as his pancake broke apart, too soggy, landing back on his tea, "Wow, everything around me is just breaking apart. Are you happy?" He asked Harry taking the soggy pancake out of his tea with his fingers.

"You're on a break again, Lou?" Zayn asked this time, hand on Louis's arm.

"Yes, we are, babe" Louis sighed.

"I'm sorry, I would get up and hug you but-" Zayn said then took a bite off his cheese he was eating with his pancakes and strawberries, and gestured to his food with his hand.

He's got weird food habits lately, even Niall gagged when he saw him eating that combination.

"What happened?" Gemma asked.

"She wanted us to be, you know.." Louis said waving his hand over the tea.

"What do you mean by, that?" Niall asked imitating his gesture.

"Serious. It means serious. Eleanor wants us to be serious. To be official, you know" Louis explained.

"What's wrong with her wanting to be official, I mean you've-" Harry said but was interrupted by Louis.

Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu