25. Big Bang

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Maddie's POV

"So since you're having a boy and a girl, of course, everything has to be in blue and pink." Olivia jotted down some notes.

"We could have hydrangeas. They're the most beautiful shade of blue and I love the smell," I said, excited to be planning a baby shower.

"Okay, so hydrangeas. And we need games. Lots of games," Olivia ratted off.

"What about a guest list?" Bridget asked. "Your mother has to be invited. Anyone from home?"

"Home, as in Thorp?"

She nodded.

"No. Probably not. From what Freddie says, no one would even want to come." I immediately and unintentionally brought down the mood of our lunch date.

"Maddie, don't say that. He didn't mean any of that nonsense. I'm sure of it," Bridget assured me. "No father would say that about his daughter."

"Freddie would." I took a large bite of my spaghetti. "Once he thinks he's right, he's right."

"Well, then he's a jackass, and we don't need him," Olivia said. "I won't invite his ass to the baby shower of the century. Next on the list, cake. You have to have an amazing cake."

"Cheesecake!" I exclaimed so loudly that everyone in the restaurant turned to look at us. "Oh, sorry." I blushed. Sometimes food just made me a little crazy. Especially now that I was almost seven months along. I ate everything in sight.

"So the invitations will go out tomorrow, and we'll have it next week at the house. I'm so excited." Olivia clapped her hands. "This will make the news. I'm sure of it."

"Just make sure it's not too much, Olivia," I begged.

"By now, I know your style. Small and intimate. It'll be perfect," she assured me.

We continued to eat and talk about everything going on in our lives. With everyone being so busy, we sometimes went a full week without talking. It was made worse when I started maternity leave and didn't get to see Olivia at work.

"Are you feeling okay?" Bridget asked me.

"Yeah, just uncomfortable."

"That's to be expected, I guess."

I sighed, rubbing my large stomach.

It was getting so strange to wake up every morning and see my rounded belly. It poked out beyond a point that was natural. I was a fucking whale and didn't even try to stop my waddling now. I even want to get into the disgusting details that came along with being seven months pregnant, but it wasn't pretty.

The house was filled with baby stuff. Justin had been researching cribs, car seats, highchairs; anything baby related. One of the rooms upstairs was still in the process of being transformed into a nursery. Everything was happening so fast, and I was very thankful to have Justin's cool head. He was a blessing, and I would probably go crazy without him, but underneath I knew he was driving himself crazy.

"Have you picked out names?" Bridget asked, her eyes glossing over. They always did that when we talked about babies.

"Um, I have a couple."

"Awww, that's sweet," Olivia cooed. "Tell us."

"No. It's a secret."

"They'll be here in a few weeks," Bridget exclaimed.

"Are you ready?"

"Not even close." I shook my head. "But I'll have help."

By the time we were finished with lunch, I was exhausted. I only had enough energy for about half a day now. These babies were so heavy it became a chore to just walk down the stairs, but at least they were healthy. The doctor said that all was well. That's what I cared about. Unfortunately, everything hurt. My feet, my boobs, my back. It was all sore and tiring.

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