"Who started it? Do you know?" I ask.

"I don't know exactly, but they say you said it yourself"

Uh... no, I didn't. I don't talk with anyone there anymore.

"Veron, it's just a rumor. It will go away soon, hopefully." 

He shakes his head looking down at the ground. 

I continue. "I've got nothing to do about it, I didn't say it and I'm not pregnant. I'm sorry." I felt like apologizing but I don't really know what for.

"Yea... Whatever." With that he just walked away.

He looks sad and exhausted. I really feel bad for him. Because of some rumor someone else started, clearly out of jealousy, he is suffering from fake accusations. I hope the rumor dies down soon.

Society is a little corrupted to point fingers at others and make fun of them without knowing the truth or the impact that has on someone's life. They don't know how awful it is to be in the receaving end of a false accusation until it happens to them.

I go back inside and start working pretending like nothing really happened. I can't think about all the now so I just pushed it to the back of my mind.

Time went by without another disturbance. I didn't think about all of it much but it was nagging in my mind.

I'm leaning against the counter just resting my legs now. I've been walking around all evening. It's past 8 p.m. now and the dinner crowd is in. But everyone's served and all, so I can rest a little bit. I turned around to face the counter when I heard the door open. Mentally groaning, I turn to great the customer, only to stop mid tracks seeing the familiar face.

She is wearing a back mini skirt with a pink blouse tucked in. Her pink high heels looks really uncomfortable. She looks like a model with her makeup and dark curls. She looks stunning. I keep staring at her walk to an empty table and take a seat.

"Ehem..." I turned around to look at Daniel from behind the counter, his face in a huge smirk. "I know she is hot but that's your table."

"Um... yea." I look back towards her sitting down calmly. 

"Don't be nervous."  He nudge me from his index finger. "I'm sure if you asked she wouldn't say no to you." He is still smirking, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh! Stop it." I swat his hand away and his smirk grows. How is that even possible?

Grabbing a menu, I take deep breath and head towards her table with a bit of unease.
I can hear Daniel chuckling from behind me.

How they always know exactly what table I'm assigned to is beyond me. I mean, there are so many table here that I don't serve. Why can't they just sit in one of those? Does the tables i serve have "Hope" written on them or something? 

"Hello miss. Here's the menu-"

"So you are a waitress? Should have known he was that low." She looks murderous. Who she plans to kill, me or Veron, I have no idea. 

"Ronica, I'm not-"I start. 

"Really? You wanted to have someone you couldn't even dream of having? Why?"

"No. I'm not-"

"Oh! Stop it, you bitch. What do you want from him? Money?"


"Are you jealous of me? Is that what this is?"

"No, I'm not-"

"Not what? Oh my god! You are so exasperating!"

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