10.relax a bit

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Sam's POV:

This was a beautiful morning, i can say that because I could feel it,the happiness and the bliss.

Having your girl in your arms, it does something to a man. I was staring at her face, looking at her beautiful eyelashes and saw the soft rhythm of her breaths. Chuck, I feel so cliche right now.

But I think everyone wants that cliche thing in their life, you know, someone to give weird cheesy pet names, someone to cuddle with, someone to rely on.

It's not always about sex, although sex is great,sex is good, that's not all I expect from this relationship.  I want a proper, well not normal considering she's both mine and my brothers. But only ours, no one else will take her from me our dean.

I look up stretching a little and see dean doing the same. I gave him a nod that said let's go outside.

"Let's give her breakfast in bed. what do you say?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'll make the coffee and a sandwich and you make the eggs and bacon." He replied.

We walked to the kitchen. He had a skip in his step and a broad smile on his face.

"What's got your mood so good?" I teased him.

"Well,our wife loves us back, isn't that enough?" He replies while filling the coffee pot.

"Me too man, I have this bubbly feeling in my chest, a happy, hopeful feeling. " I replied while putting oil on the pan.

"That was the best sleep I've had in days!" Dean said while cutting the bread.

"Let's sleep together in that empty room next to our rooms. That room can be our couple room" I suggested while Putting the eggs and bacon on a plate.

"Cool idea man, now let's not be anymore gay by talking about cuddles and shit" he replied while putting all the stuff on the tray.

"Hey, by the way, what do you think,should we have a threeway kinda sex or chance by chance?" Dean asked suddenly.

"What the fuck dean! Don't you think it's too early for that? But I think the three way kinda thing where we don't like at all touch each other would be a thousand times better " I reprimanded then suggested him.

"True, I was hoping that,hey what are you doing?" Dean asked me.

"Oh, i was making cereal for Jack " i replied.

"Call of the devil!" Dean said.

I turned to see a little jack in his pjs rubbing his little eyes. Awwww!

"Hey buddy,good morning. " I wished him sweetly.

He just went to dean, who was standing next to him and put his arms up and made grabby hands. Dean looked at him weirdly.

"What's he asking for?" He asked me

"To pick him up." I replied curious.

Dean Just grunted and picked up Jack who like the cute little kid he is, yawned and laid his head on Dean's shoulders.

Dean was shocked for a moment, then he started to rub Jack back,gently. I was really surprised with that.

"Dada sam?" He called for me. He called me dada!I was visibly confused.

"Uhm, ye..yeah buddy?" I asked him.

" where mommy?" He asked.

" she's sleeping buddy,hey do wanna surprise her?" I asked him.

He instantly perked up at that. He nodded his head like a billion times. Dean laughed at his actions.

"How dada Sam?"

"Well we're going to take breakfast for mommy, do you wanna join?"

He nods, again so I pick up the tray and dean with jack still in his arms Walks towards the room.

She is sleeping so sweetly I almost dont wanna wake her up. But dean puts Jack  on the bed and he goes and sit on her stomach and starts to wake her up.

"Mommy look! We brought a swupwise for ywou!

She woke up and looked around. I kept the tray on the bed and went forward and kissed her delicious lip.

I want my days to start with kissing her and end with holding her. I kissed her softly, no toung ofcourse.

She smiled as soon as I removed my lips from hers. Dean also kissed her.
Jack went ahead and kissed her cheek.

I gave her the breakfast and Jack too. She looked at us and thanked for the breakfast.  We just kissed her cheek. She was red. Me and dean,couldn't resist kissing her.

She offered us and all of us were eating on the bed,relaxing in this calm moment .

"Hello darling, how are you today?" Came Crowley's voice. Seriously that man is in our house way to much.

"I am perfectly fine,thank you Crowley. By the way yesterday, castiel showed them a little part of my life" ari said.

Little part? That wasn't the only thing that happened to her?

"Which one?" He asked as he too joined us all on the bed.

"My birthday one,the one in which my brother started acting as if it was my fault one." She replied.

"Ahhh...that wasn't even that bad..I mean compared to your other..how to  frame this...experiences "

"Yes,I am aware if the fact, cray,by the way,bacon?" She offered him some of our breakfast.

"No dear,I know you haven't made it,so no need to eat." He replied.

Seriously this guy needs to go. He's starting to really annoy me,I will punch him.

I can see dean too is starting to get irritated by his behavior.

"Anyway just wanted to check on you,have fun,duty calls,bye squirrel and moose." And he proofed off.

"What did he mean by it wasn't even that bad?" Dean asked her.

"Nothing...I mean,my life after that just began to get worse and worse.but that's a story for another day,alright?" She asked us,giving us puppy eyes asking not to ask more.

I just sighed and so did dean we both just cuddled her with Jack on her lap.

So...done! Btw,might give you smut in the next chapter...coz I am out of ideas.

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