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Dean's pov:

We turned to see Rowena. Ari,the name I have decided to give to Arianna was looking at her,curiously. Then suddenly cas appeared and Jack walked in.

What the hell! Why is everyone in this fucking room.

" do y'all think this is a fucking meeting room,what the hell y'all doing here.!" I asked angrily at which ari flinched.  I looked at her and gave her a smile.she returned a small smile back.

"I was searching for her" said cas and Crowley pointing at rowena.

" ah! The popularity I have. Thanks dear!"Rowena said to cas.at which he rolled his eyes.

Sam decided to introduce ari to everyone. "Well you have met Crowley, king of hell,a demon. That is rowena his mother and a great witch-" "thanks sam" interrupted rowena.

"That's cas,as you know but he is an angel,and that is Jack, the son of Lucifer,but he is good and he's just 5 days old". Sam finished.

Ari looked confused,like a lot. Then she asked us " umm are they all your friends?" " yes,well in a way. Jack is kind of Sam's adopted son" I replied.
At which Sam gave me the bitch face.
I shrugged.

Arianna started giggling lightly while all of us watched. "A demon  and an angel sitting in a room,didn't think I would ever see that"

We laughed at that.and then I asked all of them to leave and let her sleep. Jack though came and hugged her.she hugged him back.

" Hello,Arianna,its a pleasure to meet you.since cas,Sam and dean are my fathers,and you are Sam and Dean's wife,can I call you mom?" Asked Jack with puppy eyes that I am sure he learned from Sam.

I was going to shout at him before Arianna got tears in her eyes and hugged him while saying yes. I..didn't know what to do,neither did Sam.

Sam's pov:

I loved how she treated Jack.i asked Jack to go and sleep.then we showed her where everything was,and left.

We walked to the kitchen to find everyone but Crowley there. 

"Why the hell are y'all still here?" Dean asked.

" yes,Jack I asked you to sleep.go,now" I told Jack.he nodded and left.

Rowena rolled her eyes and left with cas,they wanted to discover some prophecy crap.

We were walking down to our rooms when we heard noises in ariana's room. We went in to see Crowley there with her.

" ugh,I thought you left,what are you doing here?" Asked dean to Crowley.

" nothing,just having a little conversation with the lovely lady here."Crowley kissed her hand and left.she giggled.

"Were you crying?" I asked worried. She had tear drops on her cheeks.

Dean and i were by her side in an instant.she just looked down and shaked her head implying a 'no'.

"Your cheeks are having sad little teardrops dear,please tell us. "Dean asked.

"Its  nothing" " it's not nothing sweetie"

" umm I was wondering, are you disappointed?by ummm me?"she asked.

"Why the hell would be be disappointed in you?" Dean shouted at which she flinched. I held her hand.
"Dean,calm down"

"Sorry but what made you think that?" He asked again.

" umm mum had said that..that the night of the wedding the husband usually prefers to sleep with the wife,if she's beautiful.and you both don't want to so.."

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