7.witch's encounter

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Sam's POV:

All of us were in the diner,having breakfast, well lunch cuz it was lunchtime. I had the best sleep in such a long time with her in my arms.

"Soo have a ever killed a witch before?" Dean asked.

"No. My parents didn't allow me in the training nor was I allowed to,well do anything that could make my  husband feel inferior to me. " she replied.

I honestly wanted to burn her community down to shreds. Why do they have to be soo irritating?

"Okay,then you should stay in the motel. We'll return after killing her and then we'll see about training you, ok sweetheart?" I told her.

"Yes,we should do that. I will have crowley stay with you.he is free nowadays " cas said.

I wanted to protest,but dean gave me a look that meant 'its important '.

( the whole scene is boring so I am just skipping directly to them coming back after the hunt.)

Ariana's POV:

I was waiting in the room with Crowley.  He and I had went and brought food for the boys. We have talking  about various things.

"I thank you Crowley, for understanding me. I have never had a friend. Would it be alright if I called you my friend?" I asked him nervously, expecting him to say no.

"Darling we're already besties.here you go,have some jelly." Crowley gave me.

"You carry jelly around?"

"Well no,you said you haven't tried them yet.so I brought you."

"Thanks Crowley!" I ate the jelly.

We were continuing with our conversation when we heard the Winchester knock and heard Sam and dean arguing about something.

Crowley opened the door .
"Why do you have 2 kids with you?"

I stood up and went to see. There were 2 kids around 3 years old.

"Are they Jack and cas?" I asked them.

"Yup,the witch cursed them. I called rowena. She said cas will come back in like -a day, but Jack will take around one or two weeks." Sam replied.

Sam's POV:

"Mommy,can I have a nwogat cwake?" Jack asked ari.

"Awwwwwww!let me see honey. If we don't have it here, we'll go home and have some,alright?" She replied while picking Jack up .

Cas started crying. Dean was looking at him weirdly. We didn't know how to stop his cries.

Ari was carrying Jack around and cas ran after her,crying.

"Aw! Do you wanna be picked up too,sweetie?" She asked baby cas.

Cas nodded and she picked him up too. Both of them were in her arms as she played with them.

Seeing her with kids
S,I felt something weird ignite in me. I could see dean was feeling it too. Lust..maybe?

"Alright,cassy,Jack. It's late,you need to have a bath and eat and then you can sleep.ok,little cuties?" She asked them.

"Alright,love,daddies will give you a bath while I will go prepare dinner,how does that sound?"

Both baby cas and Jack made a yay noise. Crap! I & dean are supposed to bathe them? I looked at dean with a weirded out look. He just shrugged and picked up Jack in his arms.

"Ok kid,this tub is filled with water. You and cas get into it and put on this soap on your body. Rub it nicely then rinse it with water and then put this thing, ugh shampoo on your hair and then rinse and wear your clothes and get out. Dont take too long." Dean explained cas and Jack and cane out looking at me smugly. 

I shrugged and we both sat on the bed watching TV, when we heard a scream and crying.  Ari instantly left everything and ran towards the bathroom.we went too.

We saw a baby Jack crying because he got shampoo in his eyes.

"Aw my poor little baby! I trust your father's with one job. One job!ok. Looks like mommy will bath you guys now." Ari said,a little bit angry.

Dean and I looked at each other like we messed up. We went out and completed whatever she was doing.

5 mins later she emerged out of the bathroom, a little wet,but laughing along with cas and Jack in her arms.

She took their food silently and fed them. We knew she was angry at us. She went to put them to sleep,but they wouldn't, not without her. So,me and dean took the double bed room and she slept on the big bed with cas and Jack.

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