One Night Stand (Wayzz x Trixx)

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"Are you out of your mind?" Barkk spit her drink and rubbed her throat.

"What? I just need a guy to impregnate me and then pretend like nothing happened. I'll wait for months and I have what I want." Trixx shrugged and her friend groaned.

"Do you know how hard to raise a child alone? You have to take care of it full time." Barkk squeezed her forehead and let out a sigh.

"I already though about it and it's final. I've already saved up for years."

"Atleast you're financially stable. How about emotionally, mentally and physically? If yes then you're set. You're too old to decide for yourself. I'm just here to check if everything is set." She sipped her orange juice and put the empty glass in the table. "So when do you want to do your plan?"

A smirk formed in her lips. "Tonight."

Hours passed and Trixx went to the bar. Well, where's the place to hook up? She already finished bottle of gin. Her vision started to get blurry. She hugged the empty bottle and leaned her head in it.

"Miss, I think you're already drunk." The barista slowly pulled the bottle from her but she insisted.

"What? No I'm not." She hissed at the barista. Her mouth already smelled alcohol and she laughed hysterically. Her eyes were droopy, her posture started to get squiggly. As she attempted to stood up, her balance went unstable. She attempted to step and fell in the ground. The barista picked her up.

"Are you alright, miss?" She pulled her hand and stood up on her own.

"I'm fine." Her posture was still terrible. She looked at the face of the barista and she had to admit, he's good looking.

"Do you want to get out of here?" She winked at him.

"I'm still working so it's a no?" She groaned to his response.

"What a waste. You're handsome by the way." She turned backed and slowly walked away. People were looking at her due to her weird walking and also the fact that she was blessed with such beauty.

"Wow, a compliment from a chic Nooroo?" One of the barista with blue hair tied in a bun teased her co worker while wiping a glass.

"She's just drunk." He muttered.

In the middle of the night, Trixx walked alone in the sidewalk. Streetlights giving brightness while no one is around walking except her. Her legs felt like jelly especially she's walking in stilettos.

"Fuck it. I didn't get any." She mumbled. "It's not like some guy will appear in this deserted area." When she stepped in a rock, her body shook but when she was about to fell, a pair of arms caught her.

"Are you okay?" Her vision were still blurry but she can visualize a face facing her.

"Can we fuck tonight?" He froze with her words. Looking at her flustered face due to being drunk.

"Tell me where you live, I'll take you there." He carried her in bridal style and started walking. Her hand trailed in his jawline facing him to her.

"Oh no, I'm not going home until we have some fun." She said in a seductive tone and chuckled.

"Now I have to deal with this random woman." He coldly told himself but Trixx wrapped her arms in his neck and started planting kisses in his cheek and slowly down to his neck leaving a mark in her trail.

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