Boyfriend for Rent (Nooroo x Duusu)

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"How long are you scrolling your phone? You've been scrolling for hours!" Trixx asked at her friend while sipping her chocolate frappe.

"Calm down I'm justs searching." The peacock kwami said to her friend.

"Just do it at home. I wanna lay in bed right now." She grunted while the sunlight were at their direction.

"Fine. Let's go." They quickly went home and Duusu quickly ran into my bed. She started scrolling in her phone. She was looking for a boyfriend for a day.

"Tomorrow's Valentine's day, do you have a date?" Trixx asked while holding her cup of coffee. The aroma can be smell from afar.

"Not yet but I'm looking for one." Trixx went closer and she looked at her friend scrolling in a rent a boyfriend app.

"Are you sure you can find a date there?" The fox kwami pointed Duusu's phone.

"Let's see if we can find a match." Duusu shrugged.

"Suit yourself." Trixx left Duusu's room and closed the door. I swiped for minutes. She still don't have an idea who will she choose.

"Okay, I'll be alone this Valentine's Day." She lay down in her bed without knowing that accidentally, she pressed the select from the phone.

She woke up and looked at her phone. She was shocked that a message suddenly popped up in her phone. From an unknown number.

Meet me at Casa La Café

"I didn't choose any." She viewed the app and she saw a selected person.

Oh no. I screwed up.


"Are you sure, you are going? Maybe you won't like him." Trixx said to her friend while she fixed herself.

"It's rude to let people wait. Besides, maybe this is the one." She said.

"Please, love in dating apps are impossible." She said and drank in her cup of coffee.

"Who knows, Trixx. Maybe you'll meet yours there." Duusu said. "See you later." She shut the door and left.

She went to the cafe that the message said. She looked for people and she saw what she was looking for. It was the same guy as the app said.

"Geez, I hope my money won't be wasted because of a wrong click." She said to herself as she sat on the vacant seat in front if him.

"Hi." She awkwardly greeted him. As he looked at her, he was starstrucked with her beauty.

"H-hi." He awkwardly waved at her and a tint of red appeared in his cheeks. "So what do you want to do?"

"Let's just eat first." After they eat, they went to the park near the cafe. It was filled with rosebush and they walk around the park holding hands.

"Look, a butterfly!" Duusu screamed as she pointed at the butterfly fluttering its wings in the air.

"O—" hi didn't finished his sentence when the butterfly landed in his nose. He froze and she laughed at him.

The butterfly flew away and he smiled genuinely as he looked at her. She's the first one enjoyed his company among the clients he had. He grabbed a rose and put it in her ear. She froze and looked at him.

"It looks good on you." He scratched his neck slowly and chuckled. They continued walking and she looked at him from behind. Trying to conceal her flustered face.

As the sun sets, the time was up and they have to part ways.

"I had fun today. Thanks." She tucked her hair at the back of her left ear.

"I'm glad you did." He responded. There is silence between the two and they stared at each other without noticing it.

"I have to go." She waved at him and went home.

Months after, she still choose him to go out with her. They went on more dates. She even get his number and they started texting.

"Okay, it's been months but you two still keep in touch." Trixx massaged her temples while looking at her friend texting someone.

"Why not, I like his company anyway." She replied.


"So? Do you have problem with that?"

"My problem is, you two keep dating but it's just nothing because he's there for you because he has to. It's his job and I think he did it very well that you went head over heels for him."

"No, I'm not." Her phone turned on and her lockscreen is a picture of her with Nooroo. Trixx raised an eyebrow and she laughed nervously when she realized that she was exposed.

"Just get the real deal. Make it official so everyone will be happy." She sighed and looked at her friend.

"Fine, I will. We'll meet tomorrow."

The next day arrived. Duusu met him in the park where they had their first date. Nooroo looked at her as they both sat in the bench.

"I have to tell you something." She sighed, thinking of words to spill. He just looked at her.

"I want you to be my boyfriend."

"But I am your boyfriend for today." She let out a deep breath and looked at his purple eyes.

"No. I don't want everything is just a deal and everything will switch back to zero in the end. I like you and I want all of these to be real." She smiled at him letting him see her flustered face.

"I guess the feeling's mutual then." He looked away at her and his face turned red.

Her face turned into excitement as she heard his response. She turned his head and kissed him. He didn't resist as they enjoyed the moment.

"Now that we're officially dating, I don't want you to stay as a rent a boyfriend to other people." He giggled at cupped her face.

"No one wants me anyway, except you."

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