12. I ain't too happy (Floyd Talbert).

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(A/N): Floyd thinks you lied to him

Disclaimer!: the characters in this story are based on the characters of the television show, not the real men and this is in no way meant offensively or disrespectfully to those heroes.

You were enjoying the beautiful Austrian weather, loving every second of this feeling of freedom that was entirely new to you. Even though you knew it could be a matter of days before you would be informed you had to move out again, right now you were as free as a bird. So you tried to savor every moment of the sun touching your skin, of the birds chirping around you, but most importantly of the lack of gun shots ringing through your ears every freaking second.

You decided to walk into the house you had been sleeping in for the past couple of nights, you and Tab actually got to share a bedroom for the first time in what felt like forever. You could finally fall asleep in his arms again in a warm and clean bed. You ran up the stairs, for the first time in a while you felt genuinely happy. That feeling quickly disappeared when you walked into your bedroom, your boyfriend was sitting at the edge of the bed, his back towards you. You could tell from the way his shoulders were slumped and his head was hanging that something was going on. "Tab?" you asked cautiously.

"You lied to me," he said softly. He was holding something in his hands. Shit. It was the overview with how many points you had. "Were you going to leave without going to say goodbye, is that it?" You could hear the hurt in his voice. "Tab,-" "Please don't try to explain this, (Y/N), I can't believe you lied to me-" he swallowed, trying to blink away the tears that were forming in his eyes, "I would have just been happy for you, you know? God, I would just - What? Did you think I would be jealous? That you got to leave and not me? I am ecstatic that you'll finally be out of the danger, I just don't get why you didn't tell me," his voice had become softer and softer. You took a step closer to him, you wanted to hug him so badly, but the way his muscles tensed up when you got closer let you know that this wasn't the time. You could feel a lump forming in your throat, "No God, Floyd, I wasn't going to-" you croaked, he put up his hands, "I really don't want to hear it, (Y/N)."

You breathed out, running a hand through your hair. You sat down on the edge of the bed, one foot tucked under you, the other one still on the ground. Your body was directed towards Tab, even though he still wasn't facing you. "Tab?" you tried, he remained silent. After a moment you started crawling towards him over the bed. You sat down just behind him, your legs crossed. The paratrooper didn't move, which you considered a good sign. It gave you enough confidence to start rubbing soothing circles on his back. It was silent for a while, neither of you daring to say anything.

Finally Floyd spoke up, "So when are you leaving?" he asked you softly, his voice still raw with emotion. "I'm not," you stated. Before you knew it, Floyd was standing in front of you. Your hands were still hanging in the air, no longer resting on his strong back. "What do you mean you're not leaving?" He asked, his eyes glossing over with an emotion you couldn't quite recognize. He was hovering over your, eyes scanning your face. "They asked me to stay on and I- I thought it'd be nice to stay with the men," you stood up, "besides, I couldn't let you stay here all by yourself could I?"

You took another try at getting closer to him, getting up before stepping in his direction, your hands finding their way to his chest. He grabbed your wrists as you looked up to him. "I want you to go home (Y/N), I want you to be safe," he whispered. You shook your head "I don't want to be sitting at home worrying about whether you're hurt," you mumbled, one of your hands pulling out of Talbert's grasp to run through his hair. You looked at him lovingly, you could see he wasn't happy with your answer. "You're such a moron," he whispered, you could feel him letting go of your hand, but he kept standing close to you. "I almost lost you three times, (Y/N), you have the worst luck I have ever seen, hell, I'd worry less if you were back home - it'd be so much better on my heart," he said. You shook your head, "I have already taken the decision, Floyd, I have even informed Winters, there's nothing you can do about it," you said softly. Your boyfriend scoffed at you, shaking his head, "Unbelievable."

"Are you really going to fight about this with me?" You asked, taking a step back, crossing your arms at him. "Wouldn't you be just as upset with me, sweets, when I would not go home when I had the chance to?" he asked you. A smile appeared on your face, "I guess, maybe, but also I'd be selfishly happy that you weren't leaving me," you said softly. "You think I'm not happy that I get to keep you here?" he asked, "Of course I'm happy you're staying with me, I would miss you like crazy- It's just- I'm- God-," you could see he was getting frustrated so you walked up to him again. You hated seeing Tab being overrun by his own emotions, it made you wanted to soothe him in any way possible. Suddenly, you could see his eyes looking at you longingly, a dangerous smile playing around his mouth. You could feel his hand going to the back of your neck to pull you into a kiss, you kissed back immediately. You suddenly felt desperate, you needed to touch him, to feel him. You were both alive and healthy and you didn't know how long you would still be able to enjoy each other's company. You felt his other hand running down your back to rest on your ass, squeezing a little while pulling you in even closer. You could feel his tongue running over your bottom lip, begging you to let him in. You granted him access to your mouth, parting your lips slightly. He deepened the kiss passionately before starting to trail kisses from your jawline to your neck. "God, I love you," he breathed out. You threw your head back to grant him more access to your neck, the feeling of his lips and his hot breath on the sensitive skin leaving you impatient for more. "I love you too, Floyd," you said, as your hands started working on the buttons of his shirt.

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