7. Please don't go (Joseph Liebgott).

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(A/N): Just a little drabble about Liebgott not wanting you to go on a mission 

If you have anyone you want me to write about in particular, let me know! 

Disclaimer!: the characters in this story are based on the characters of the television show, not the real men and this is in no way meant offensively or disrespectfully to those heroes.

Webster and Liebgott were standing next to each other, both with displeased looks on their faces. Joseph Liebgott was scowling so hard Webster was afraid he was going to stay in it.  "Sir?" David Webster spoke up, Winters nodded at him, urging him to go on. "Permission to speak, sir?"  Richard Winters nodded at the intellectual once again, "I understand this patrol is important, sir, I don't understand why  Liebgott or myself hasn't been selected for the patrol, sir, we both speak German." Liebgott nodded in agreement. 

"We needed someone who could speak both French and German, private," Winters explained. "And who would that be, sir?" Liebgott asked, speaking out of line. "Sergeant (L/N) has been appointed to go on the patrol tonight." Liebgott's face immediately paled, "The secretary (Y/N) (L/N)?" he spoke without permission again. Winters nodded, getting impatient. "That's right," he looked at the men around him again, "Any other questions about tonight?" "No, sir," the men spoke. "Then I'll see you at 0300 hours." 

Liebgott ran his hands through his hair, "Fuck," he muttered. Martin patted him on the back, "She's a tough one Lieb, she'll be fine," he tried to assure him. Joe shook his head, "She's never been so close to any form of danger before." "She's a paratrooper, Joe, she'll be fine." As Martin started to walk away, Joe grabbed his arm. "Please, Martin, would you try to look out for her?" he asked almost desperately. Martin swallowed, everyone knew it was impossible to keep promises like that. "I'll do my best," he muttered, before walking away. Joseph clenched his fists, he needed to find you. He needed to make sure you were alright. 

You were sitting behind your desk, typing a letter on the type machine in front of you when Joseph Liebgott barged into the made up office you and the other secretaries were stationed at. You looked up, glad to see your- well you actually didn't really know what you and Joe were. But the man was important to you and held a dear place in your heart. You smiled at him, walking around your desk so you would be able to greet him properly. But before you could, his hands were on your cheeks and he kissed you firmly. His kiss came with such a force that you were shoved back into your desk, your hands gripping the edge of the table to steady yourself. You kissed him back in surprise. Even though Joe was a passionate guy, he had never greeted you with SUCH a kiss before. It was like he was trying to kiss you for the last time. It felt a little desperate, but you weren't going to complain. He nibbled at your bottom lip as one of his hands sneaked from your cheek to the small of your back, using his hand to press your body firmly against his. You shifted your weight so that you were leaning against the desk. Your leg wrapped around Joe's waist so you could pull him in even closer. One hand was on his shoulder, the other slid down his chest. You pushed a little, signalling that you wanted to break the kiss off. 

You opened your eyes, slowly looking up at him. You bit your bottom lip as you smiled at him shyly. You were still standing against the desk, your bodies almost touching in every place possible. His thumb caressed your cheek lovingly. "I heard-" he started, dropping his hand "that you have to go out on the patrol tonight." You breathed in, Joe's passionate kiss suddenly made much more sense. 
"It's not a big deal, Lieb, there is almost no risk whatsoever," you tried to convince him. He shook his head, "I still don't like it, what were you doing, agreeing to go do something like that?" You frowned at him, you knew he was worried, but he was out of line. "It's an order, Joe, I don't decide this for myself." He scoffed at you, "So what Winters just decided to take a secretary out on a patrol, just like that?" You looked down, "They needed someone who could speak both French and German, I overheard Nixon and Speirs taking about it," you explained. "But they didn't know anybody, so they were thinking of taking someone who spoke German and someone else who spoke French," you went on. "And that's when you decided you should just volunteer?" he interrupted your story. You nodded, "Basically, yes." He shook his head, "Why would you do that?" "I don't know, maybe because I didn't want them to take two men instead of one? Because I didn't want them to endanger more lives than necessary?" You defended yourself. He rolled his eyes at you. "Joe, I get that you're worried-" "I'm not worried, (Y/N), I'm fucking terrified! What if you get hurt out there?" He spoke. You ran your hand through his hair, "I'll be fine, Joe, I'm a paratrooper, remember? I went through all the same training as you did," you tried to assure him. You pulled him into you, your hand on the back of his head. "I just don't understand why they couldn't have taken a freaking translator," he mumbled. You laughed softly, "I am a translator babe, I translate letters and forms and what not all day." He groaned, "You know what I mean." 

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